Tournament - Platournament 4.22.17

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: April 22, 2017; Accepted Teams: 344 (Total: 448)
Map: Ruinberg
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: April 22, 2017
Average WN8: 956
Total: 1,306
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
MissDragonFly [HAWOL] Deltarex
446 57% 6,458
DabOn_Em [GE_GE] GeeGee
10 100% 5,985
SodiumChIoride [NA-CL] NaCl
3,455 62% 3,213
thatzCLASSIFIED [DRAW] Salty is a NOOB!
25,256 59% 2,954
PETZAsis [E-50M] team lapis
53,990 59% 2,954
George412305 [SIMP] GeeGee
13,887 58% 2,771
Spiritus_Vitae Scrubsters United
2,763 62% 2,742
skyeye24 [DRAW] Salty is a NOOB!
23,708 57% 2,586
776 59% 2,537
Vandrel [JSTCE] American Justice
14,849 60% 2,443
asd4839519 [NEWBI] oooolala's
12,870 59% 2,407
NorthernOrdinance [DDONG] tango
4,995 57% 2,403
101steagle [-DIG-] Stagle
26,726 57% 2,372
LeoparDDDD [ARAVT] MoguL
4,652 58% 2,333
Angry_Russian_Peasant Scrubsters United
61 66% 2,309
cryptozoologist [KOVAH] GeeGee
18,540 57% 2,239
LittlexxxxPigxxxx T-K-O
33,870 60% 2,225
_verminator_ [STAKD] Time to try hard
26,337 58% 2,203
Argenpr0 TRACK
5,250 58% 2,202
HabNab [-DIG-] Iguana Play
19,295 58% 2,201
_HighRoll_ [UPD0G] The Mutant
3,584 57% 2,192
Dany2j [TUF] Spoon !
53,796 55% 2,186
CheekiBreeki_ [MAHOU] DURP
36,427 56% 2,180
CommanderHalesBrother [TT-6] TRIAD
41,359 54% 2,178
Predator_147 Peniski xDD (+25cm)
5 80% 2,168
AgentePM22 [8BITS] Soldados Imortais
30,957 56% 2,158
_ButterToast_ team 22
9,522 56% 2,157
grunt1771 [FUZN] Rocket Surgeons
37,321 56% 2,145
General_Pancho [ORDER] Iguana Play
40,889 57% 2,138
mrart [VOLGA] Volga
7,825 57% 2,114
_Fazo_ Food
113 65% 2,089
y00da [ABEL] Time to try hard
23,109 56% 2,087
WruceBayne [NA-CL] NaCl
6,293 57% 2,072
DefendYourBase [ORDER] The Helpers
23,804 60% 2,069
Renigade_Warrior UGC!
3,481 54% 2,066
Ch0pSuey [DRAW] Salty is a NOOB!
15,454 56% 2,064
_bahamutzero_ [_UA_] LORD OF VERMILION
25,327 58% 2,063
LordB0b [NEAT] :D :D
20,257 56% 2,055
staydown93 [CHLLN] team lapis
11,168 55% 2,052
theTOMinator [D-DAY] (>*.*)>
13,143 57% 2,044
alipalange [PARS] Ahura
66,305 56% 2,034
Chewy_Sammich [RELIC] That one team
17,511 56% 2,032
Mr_Jones307 Build a Wall
19,888 56% 2,019
diegoduty25 [-404-] L-B-F
52,406 54% 2,003
ijezak [TINDR] Bundles of Sticks
13,037 53% 1,996
Loteris [ESC] thelot
58,213 54% 1,974
Bencho96 [POW_] what team
28,454 55% 1,958
Angel_de_la_Muerte20 [FOCA] Dark_Shadows
30,571 55% 1,954
TheChang [-FCF-] Tube Steak
14,619 55% 1,953
niofren [HUMO] HUMO
16,000 54% 1,951
Total: 1,306

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