Tournament - Weekly 5v5 October 17 - 21

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: October 17, 2016; Accepted Teams: 206 (Total: 368)
Map: Widepark
Battle Mode: Standard
Start: October 17, 2016
Average WN8: 948
Total: 1,398
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
George412305 [FADED] thx for killing CW
11,883 58% 3,052
MercuryBlack [MAHOU] XCOM 2
18,379 61% 2,928
Hanzo_San [FADED] thx for killing CW
6,151 60% 2,869
_pest [FADED] thx for killing CW
11,215 61% 2,794
CrouchingHippo_ [OTTER] QuickyBaby Is Bad
5,727 60% 2,787
buynuh [TOTEM] SoHOT
899 62% 2,726
Mecha_King_Ghidorah [FADED] thx for killing CW
15,060 62% 2,665
AllBowToTheDarkLord [FMLY] Join the Dark Side 2
41,266 59% 2,654
Neitor2828 [-404-] Los PechaCaca
18,112 57% 2,615
Pashoin_Ends [MAIDS] the Ho-MO
19,311 58% 2,592
Zuka_2006 Brasileiros
10 50% 2,532
_1969Mustang_ [OTTER] QuickyBaby Is Bad
26,516 57% 2,509
Xx_DComikazie_xX [SIDE] free to join
533 65% 2,488
20,008 58% 2,473
greeshnik21 idek
6,620 67% 2,433
D4rkz [-404-] Plomeros Reloaded
23,832 58% 2,425
Naviros [STAKD] Pandas
29,127 59% 2,406
Destromatic [HACKD] Hell
24,448 56% 2,367
4,988 56% 2,354
SanguineTraveler [M0] the Ho-MO
31,864 57% 2,343
Joemoney [CB] vipercb
11,315 59% 2,339
AcidicWyvern [FMLY] Join the Dark Side 2
26,137 57% 2,329
AgressivelyMediocre [OTTER] QuickyBaby Is Bad
29,194 57% 2,324
Scout_of_Steel Free Gold? Yes Plz
20,651 57% 2,318
Soldier_Chango [WILDH] LOS PURA PAJA
19,051 57% 2,303
wixi37 [OTTER] Window Lickers
54,975 65% 2,288
CroFila [EX] Cat_destroyers
19,531 56% 2,266
Pro_BR You'd better give up
1,835 58% 2,256
Cooki3Monzter [NEWBI] 7895
20,839 55% 2,221
BillNye_The_Statpad_Guy [OTTER] QuickyBaby Is Bad
38,689 56% 2,219
Racher2015 [LLA] TaquitosalpastorOP
13,410 57% 2,197
DanktasticMintyEggplant [MSF12] what team
23,019 56% 2,168
BlondeBeaver [HAVOK] what team
20,661 60% 2,157
EzeH_ [-404-] Los PechaCaca
8,062 58% 2,127
heatR [FADED] thx for killing CW
14,070 56% 2,121
icegargoylle Using the Force
26,719 59% 2,118
t4degrees [SIMP] 2TrackMinds
40,703 57% 2,115
Danigol Join the Dark Side 2
35,160 54% 2,108
Monkey__D__Luffy [THUGZ] UTP-FISC
25,471 54% 2,104
Bajicoy [-Y-] Cavalry of Steel
26,975 57% 2,095
almz777 [NEWBI] 7895
32,492 56% 2,089
Ecchi_Squad [SNPAI] Free Gold? Yes Plz
21,668 56% 2,086
Atlas_Jr Little Rascals
2,033 59% 2,085
Hunter_02 [EX] Cat_destroyers
4,927 57% 2,074
ShireiKan_ExcalibuR [HMBR] W A R M A C H I N E
34,907 56% 2,065
T1T4N_16 [-404-] Los Niubis
14,443 56% 2,048
Rainguts [FMLY] Join the Dark Side 2
20,250 58% 2,047
Godwookie [LA] For To Not Suck
16,177 53% 2,045
checkmat8 the Ho-MO
14,445 55% 2,037
kast477 [S-A-R] Amigos
2,064 56% 2,031
Total: 1,398

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