Tournament - 1v1: Tanks After Dark

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: October 27, 2023; Accepted Teams: 85 (Total: 86)
Map: Himmelsdorf
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: October 27, 2023
Average WN8: 1,599
Total: 85
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
Krmelec_EU Krmelec
2,588 65% 4,565
Chocolatebar_ [KUFU] Chocolate
17,103 62% 3,958
7,667 53% 3,604
tigerajk [RS] audrey
87,152 60% 3,269
XxT0BAR_4OWT [_M3_] tobar12
7,624 55% 3,146
63,670 58% 2,964
mateuscuellus [_M3_] volga boatmen
22,916 53% 2,871
Mismaelmella CERTERO
12,210 54% 2,781
FamousMonkey [KUFU] MONKE
20,950 58% 2,585
47Folds [IFM] Beautiful Folds
2,015 59% 2,470
SNK_Armin [X-7] B-T-W
8,365 58% 2,372
Daniel_Garcia_Carranza [IN-WO] Mistery
25,193 51% 2,371
El_Nochero [SOYUZ] El_Nochero
29,336 54% 2,364
2ndTanks_ [GROOT] Kurdish
158,143 56% 2,325
Shadow_Force [CRAKD] GINGER
40,472 53% 2,249
Rybyn [AGHXN] rybynese
25,286 56% 2,157
8_T_1 [DREAM] eaf freef
20,888 60% 2,154
_Caveman__ [NEWBI] Caveman
107,849 54% 2,130
jackal126 [NEWBI] The cooch punchers
48,539 55% 2,113
TheLeopardGames2 [MEGAA] Thing
25,346 56% 2,103
AsTiger117 [OFM-] Super Freak
30,223 55% 2,012
DarterTheVanquisher [FINES] FINES
21,773 54% 1,973
Tiger_SOBR [NEWBI] War Tiger
89,048 57% 1,934
DestroiGumms [COTER] DestroiGumms
10,876 50% 1,920
GrimReaperSteel [YRMUM] HighOnLyfe
27,250 53% 1,858
Renekton36 [X-7] Timsi
40,454 55% 1,838
20,069 53% 1,826
joaocunha [RAIZ] My BILAUM
24,348 52% 1,816
Byracki no show
41,583 54% 1,810
Decimo_Vongola_Sai_Fujo [_M3_] Decimo Vongola
33,026 50% 1,790
henrysabe1 [X-7] asdasdasdas
9,462 53% 1,788
Preatorian666 [JMSQC] pinucas
111,637 50% 1,741
TORO_ARG [_SL_] Visa
30,198 53% 1,728
Fatigatti_AR [_2D2_] El Faty
70,901 56% 1,715
amerikos [MAZUT] 15656
35,321 54% 1,684
Grabowski_Yuri [-ESO-] -ESO-
63,167 53% 1,674
Jacob_Zante [OXYGN] dojo
11,536 50% 1,622
duya [-HERO] SSSS
204,954 51% 1,606
BBzone [RIBIT] we win
10,560 49% 1,605
OgreW [OXYGN] state
66,855 52% 1,548
SHo7ING_STARS [X-7] dvsdbdb
58,155 52% 1,524
cost_ady [SMOK3] formata
59,494 51% 1,474
34,021 51% 1,464
Tinchoxxx [_BST_] dejameganarortiba
78,423 51% 1,438
__Avada_Kedavra__ [ALCO] squad
18,515 51% 1,411
_Camila_ [TAIYO] Camila
69,381 51% 1,406
range [74TH] BadATTanks
71,360 50% 1,402
20,996 52% 1,392
TankbusterXD [P1S] Fedaykin
21,276 51% 1,387
John_Wicked_ [AGHXN] John_Wicked_
2,566 56% 1,375
Total: 85

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