Tournament - 4v4: Weekday Scuffle

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: July 13, 2023; Accepted Teams: 16 (Total: 30)
Map: Karelia
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: July 13, 2023
Average WN8: 1,776
Total: 64
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
_Seth__Rxs [IMSS] Tributo al MoCHO
5,944 61% 5,284
VovaUkrainian [CRAKD] Literally Free
30,867 67% 4,426
R1KO_CH3T_ [NG4ME] Goats
7,237 65% 3,483
_N0pal_Chido_ [IMSS] Tributo al MoCHO
1,514 65% 3,289
2,066 59% 3,242
SubWulf [GROOT] F0ds Bod is god
13,730 58% 3,122
Emperor3_1415 [COS] Elite's Dream Team
77,132 60% 3,015
MANJEET [KUFU] F0ds Bod is god
24,004 57% 2,977
LightningTheef [KUFU] F0ds Bod is god
22,192 57% 2,778
mateuscuellus [B34RS] 0007
21,456 52% 2,748
ll_Kisame_ll [NG4ME] Goats
4,071 62% 2,666
10,278 56% 2,653
_Ur4anus_ [IMSS] Tributo al MoCHO
6,798 60% 2,651
Elite_Kouhai [COS] Elite's Dream Team
55,427 58% 2,546
BrowerCH [-PHD-] Knife in Skull
24,687 55% 2,544
BlackSwan [NEWBI] Amare
63,114 55% 2,523
VoidRealm2 [COS] Elite's Dream Team
26,182 63% 2,389
lDan17 [KONOW] Knife in Skull
34,474 56% 2,380
HappybirdIoI [NG4ME] Goats
43,694 54% 2,300
Darrell_xXx [IMSS] Tributo al MoCHO
45,903 55% 2,272
TKingTiger [NEWBI] The cooch punchers
28,055 54% 2,242
jiaduobaoganwanglaoji [NEWBI] Alpha Group
37,982 56% 2,239
andisojorge869 [DOREK] 0007
38,885 54% 2,210
_Caveman__ [NEWBI] Alpha Group
106,902 54% 2,133
Destemido [RAIZ] Alpha Group
52,423 54% 2,058
jackal126 [NEWBI] The cooch punchers
46,977 54% 2,056
kenovi66 [H_D_D] Los Trikitracatelas
5,021 48% 2,029
46Days [_SL_] 0007
19,022 52% 1,970
SungaRJ Knife in Skull
8,629 54% 1,969
Tiger_SOBR [NEWBI] Alpha Group
88,388 57% 1,935
JustinKiller [RELIC] Literally Free
27,657 54% 1,929
alex_the_snowflake [-ZOO-] The cooch punchers
72,225 53% 1,874
7,536 53% 1,835
___G0D___ [-PHD-] Knife in Skull
15,658 54% 1,830
Genesis_Via_Exodus [CRTIQ] Literally Free
32,134 54% 1,823
Xx_Zero_Tolerance_xX [COS] Elite's Dream Team
28,489 55% 1,708
SuperHarder Random new team
8,534 53% 1,618
Lanny_2019 [I_DEA] Amare
15,964 51% 1,588
Ninjaers [RELIC] Literally Free
21,801 54% 1,585
eraser1962 [NEWBI] The cooch punchers
37,994 53% 1,584
yeisonstiven [DOREK] 0007
38,209 50% 1,533
trooper7162 [HYPNO] HYPNO
8,984 51% 1,472
F0dderman [KUFU] F0ds Bod is god
39,561 52% 1,459
RussianBias__2020 [HYPNO] HYPNO
6,033 52% 1,442
SievKing [RHEIN] king's_team RKRClan
5,845 48% 1,314
chizishigh [YOUJO] og OIC
15,930 50% 1,289
Chiledu [THEHU] MEME
115,079 48% 1,271
lilbull57 HYPNO
8,670 53% 1,266
Michael_Vito_Corleone Random new team
77,120 49% 1,257
freddy85 [-ESO-] Random new team
30,986 49% 1,175
Total: 64

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