Tournament - 1v1: Weekday Scuffle

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: May 10, 2023; Accepted Teams: 321 (Total: 327)
Map: El Halluf
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: May 10, 2023
Average WN8: 1,387
Total: 321
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
1,241 61% 4,415
cavera12 [P2W] give-me-gold8
1,734 58% 4,364
Socket_on_off [THEFF] efsf
1,631 56% 4,215
Chocolatebar_ Chocolate
16,104 62% 3,748
PUNISH3R_ [NG4ME] asustado potter?
1,525 59% 3,721
Dotar_Soyat [B34RS] Oompa Loompa
28,985 59% 3,715
pspps [OFM-] Perfect
3,215 60% 3,466
L0rdB0b [HARMZ] LordBobsimus2
7,291 56% 3,118
riseglory [SUS] nomnomnom
38,045 59% 3,098
Mgl_Sambuu_1 [-HERO] sssss
10,824 56% 3,076
mateuscuellus [EDLM] volga boatmen
20,517 52% 2,734
Vicio_21 -___-
2,547 58% 2,723
__Skytrain_Shot_Tooto__ [MAHOU] deng ba ge
31,756 61% 2,708
Yakuza_Hikawa [SOJI] soji
15,612 60% 2,701
Tank_Jackin [0RE0] GetGoldOrDieTrying.
61,951 58% 2,676
11,777 63% 2,605
M3rcury [F-C] 121 team
36,603 60% 2,572
Yunkel28 [EMPTY] Karmila
10,861 56% 2,560
pabadapremiun [WOTLA] dfgdfgdddddddfg
20,821 55% 2,545
BlackSwan [NEWBI] Black Swan
62,552 55% 2,509
_Anker [NG4ME] Anker
50,947 57% 2,502
afk_py [TRIB8] afkpy
670 53% 2,468
Tanabraxas [TINTO] TanaTeam
20,316 56% 2,353
WindGhost97 [GIVUP] Virtue
43,281 55% 2,336
GamerTY108 [ROCKY] GamerTY108
10,819 54% 2,319
AcesHighMDP [_FAM_] Blah
53,491 62% 2,309
Brohammer [GROOT] hehxdd
47,506 56% 2,308
Nozar [RELIC] ERA Enjoyer
25,174 56% 2,270
InfiniteSingularity [FNWG] Gatypus
68,699 56% 2,267
Seas_ [CZ4R] Sminem
32,798 56% 2,265
Type99_NYC [SIMP] type99
18,206 55% 2,238
__Matt___ [CELTA] 0011
37,509 54% 2,203
Toastaucreton [LH-QC] Yah!
5,803 55% 2,194
TKingTiger [NEWBI] DezNutsAfterDark
27,645 54% 2,189
Mismaelmella [_BST_] CERTERO
8,240 52% 2,172
MetadonaII dasdasdasd
101,634 54% 2,142
_Caveman__ [NEWBI] caveman
106,544 54% 2,132
wismailhon [C0BR4] SNAKE
24,593 51% 2,120
Zargeras_VI [-TRD-] Zargeras_VI
15,642 57% 2,093
Von_Hellswinkle [HSH] Hellswinkle
51,022 55% 2,091
Hanke_13 [OPIC] dededede
36,369 54% 2,083
Cheating0ne [FRI] FUWG
3,492 52% 2,081
milqui [-BAN-] La Cura
46,835 55% 2,067
__Kenpachi__ [HAVOK] Kenpachi
40,068 54% 2,067
bludsaber [XF1RE] lets do this!
32,392 56% 2,061
Visions_ Visions_
40,582 54% 2,023
marombapupil [NEWBI] no cap no kill
38,927 52% 2,020
jackal126 [NEWBI] The cooch punchers
46,041 54% 2,017
bailey0 [CBRO2] bailey0
13,368 57% 1,996
Godofdame12345 [_RTF_] I'm a virgin :(
13,545 51% 1,981
Total: 321

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