Tournament - 3v3: Weekday Scuffle

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: September 20, 2022; Accepted Teams: 54 (Total: 77)
Map: Pilsen
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: September 20, 2022
Average WN8: 1,543
Total: 163
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
BailesNoBezmiega [CRAKD] {|||||||}
4,089 70% 5,291
Tsugumori_Kai_II [4ORCE] 高级å°é±¼å¹²
21,979 69% 4,261
The_Aw [KONOW] no informations
839 59% 4,169
Totally_NotATankmaster [CZ4R] Alpha Group
9,108 63% 4,009
AceHasNoOtherName [CRAKD] 高级å°é±¼å¹²
33,452 70% 3,712
Lichta__ [SIMP] Memeteam
11,228 63% 3,675
Destroyer133_2016 [X-7] Batman,Robin & Joker
30,074 61% 3,606
SaSpring [LYSA] Aaaa
6,143 56% 3,486
Neptune_No_Cinco_ [CRAKD] xdxd
14,527 62% 3,392
Jim_Halpert_ MERCENARI🤬S​ 88​🖕
12,773 66% 3,376
SexyFlamer_ [X-7] Batman,Robin & Joker
780 63% 3,300
Z4F [ERR9R] XTreix
1,444 59% 3,256
2022_Haasaka [RELIC] 123454
13,465 62% 3,227
eepmaster69 [WICKD] my yanyulun is where
2,096 54% 2,853
__Skytrain_Shot_Tooto__ [MAHOU] Aaaa
30,876 61% 2,838
_Ur4anus_ [CRAKD] xdxd
6,051 60% 2,834
Blade_the_Selachii O.S.F.
50,409 58% 2,760
TrannysaurusRexxx [CRAKD] {|||||||}
58,441 62% 2,655
__5er__ [FOCUS] Guerreros sudamerica
31,705 56% 2,516
450 61% 2,490
Happybirdlol [FOCUS] Guerreros sudamerica
13,387 54% 2,441
jessnostress [YOUJO] Bad Players Only
1,206 58% 2,407
ll_Deidara_ll [X-7] Batman,Robin & Joker
17,908 56% 2,370
168,786 57% 2,344
Sloveni4n [CRAKD] {|||||||}
44,848 61% 2,329
mr_vanya228_1962rus [GROOT] no shot dude
13,646 55% 2,266
IcedBroom [GO4T] Bad Players Only
40,784 57% 2,260
xXsstryssXx [-BOTS] Quebra cabeça
16,102 54% 2,256
Frostii_xD [NEWBI] 高级å°é±¼å¹²
35,834 61% 2,189
Aldgieris [GTT] strong
12,028 50% 2,168
xXAlminthonXx [BANDS] 🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑
19,223 53% 2,149
AsTiger117 [B34RS] ABEL
27,828 54% 2,039
ll_Konan_ll [X-7] Guerreros sudamerica
37,647 53% 2,025
Tiger_SOBR [C-I-S] Alpha Group
83,218 57% 2,010
__MIRRA__ [P2W] --ONU--
27,301 52% 1,988
Franmaster1 [-CLU-] Gaseosa naranpol 1$
35,228 53% 1,985
LeoMullins [CRAKD] Los mamaderas
33,549 53% 1,978
presim [SNPAI] Tempest Storm
17,041 52% 1,943
0hmic [GROOT] no shot dude
7,624 54% 1,915
Projektion [SNPAI] Tempest Storm
26,945 55% 1,911
tankcaptain4 TankCaptain_1
27,940 54% 1,892
Renekton36 [X-7] Timsi
38,842 54% 1,872
Astolfo_the_Rider The cooch punchers
41,346 54% 1,869
Fox_Trooty [P2W] strong
37,920 53% 1,850
_EMPEROR_NEWT_RU [-RKT-] no shot dude
35,118 54% 1,834
linden123 [PLAF] 123454
43,359 53% 1,829
Athenarian [LYSA] Aaaa
36,831 57% 1,829
Marcosdy [P2W] --ONU--
42,062 53% 1,827
alex_the_snowflake [-ZOO-] The cooch punchers
68,205 53% 1,810
sector7ge [_BST_] Textilesq
31,067 54% 1,808
Total: 163

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