Tournament - 1v1: Weekday Scuffle

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: October 13, 2021; Accepted Teams: 444 (Total: 459)
Map: Steppes
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: October 13, 2021
Average WN8: 1,425
Total: 444
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
BailesNoBezmiega [MAHOU] Bailes
1,588 70% 5,967
Magnan__ [CZ4R] Dont Hate Rerolls
4,309 65% 5,220
BENGARO_HolyToxxx [CZ4R] afk_
340 69% 5,049
JUSTHACKS_exc [GO4T] hacks
14,000 69% 4,236
VovaUkrainian [MAHOU] <<>>
23,567 66% 4,216
ZafkielSama [_LHI_] G4M3BoY
7,791 59% 4,202
8,111 63% 3,871
BENGARO_Krmelec [CZ4R] Přepalos
490 66% 3,867
x_Mega_Man_x [HECKD] xxxxxx
253 56% 3,644
Chocolatebar_ [TEACH] Nono
11,191 61% 3,475
Griffon456 [25CDN] Hu_Flung_Poo
4,155 59% 3,455
Suh_Mantics [CRAKD] I am the meaning
16,082 62% 3,378
Lichta__ [SIMP] Meme Team
7,840 63% 3,355
5,305 65% 3,347
Mozart_Moises [RC2BR] RCBBR - RC2BR
701 53% 3,328
xXx_ALPHA_xXx [AUDIT] 10ocupados
2,191 64% 3,238
More_of_a_fail [PHASE] What is the meaning?
3,814 62% 3,215
_C_70XIC_7w7_ [XTREM] Say my NameUwU
9,249 61% 3,094
SemenUp asdfg
806 60% 3,021
BenzkillerRiccardo [NEWBI] color map
38,939 59% 2,996
destro19 [YOUJO] dfgdfg
20,721 58% 2,977
TeEmpomo [RAM1] T-Empomo
312 56% 2,965
TastyPastry [GIVUP] sdfgf
34,909 59% 2,949
KekoJoness [CZ4R] 25% RNG
31,610 59% 2,949
ToxicPowa [-SMB-] Hitagi best waifu
29,942 58% 2,913
S_4_R_G_E [HACK1] brrp
5,713 55% 2,899
riseglory [SUS] nomnomnom
32,204 58% 2,885
8,243 57% 2,774
Inkv3_Gaming [OPIC] v3 fed
47,420 58% 2,766
Diego_Rebelde [B34RS] Hermanos de Sangre
18,056 58% 2,765
_Wolftron [BABNS] Excelleon
6,219 60% 2,732
Shadow__xXx [MAHOU] _xXx_
47,284 60% 2,716
Demonic671 [MAHOU] GOUDA
30,642 59% 2,713
KingSouI [O-VER] KingSoul
2,661 56% 2,681
___THOR__ [_MIB_] SolCapimCanela
2,141 56% 2,601
Abyssal_Kitty [RDDT] Chimkin
32,120 57% 2,584
_TIKO_ [4-K] Turingo
43,431 60% 2,580
_Rubber [RDDT] Free Win for you
19,335 58% 2,508
Jhumelz [L3GND] Exceleon
5,892 60% 2,485
Daniel_Alcivar [XTREM] Ecu911
52,694 55% 2,472
7,197 56% 2,448
Oultimotank [RCBBR] Oultimotank
5,426 50% 2,432
thunpro [XTREM] hellfish
4,073 55% 2,431
AcesHighMDP [YOUJO] Blah
50,387 62% 2,428
BrowerCH [AUDIT] 10% Skill / 90% RNG
21,163 55% 2,397
_Makankosappo_ SA 5000PR
1,168 54% 2,394
GeneraL_MAKENZY_07 [-TRD-] santana_
9,495 53% 2,382
_God_of_war_Rudy102_2020 [HACK1] -----
4,330 58% 2,376
Griffon455 [25CDN] Lil_Bo_Peep
5,519 57% 2,341
Zargeras_VI [-TRD-] Zargeras
14,773 57% 2,292
Total: 444

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