Tournament - 3v3: South American Open

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: April 24, 2021; Accepted Teams: 65 (Total: 116)
Map: Himmelsdorf
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: April 24, 2021
Average WN8: 1,531
Total: 197
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
9,558 62% 6,114
_Alucard_Hellsing [8BITS] UZPRETU
13,833 61% 4,816
2,868 69% 4,473
Buy_Hands [DIOS] Churro 3 x 3
2,116 60% 4,009
The_Levi_Criminal ████████████████████
4,353 62% 3,465
Press_ALT_F4_For_Win [8BITS] 💯 censura
7,014 63% 3,420
MIKHMI [MAXH0] Churro 3 x 3
7,314 58% 3,330
BlondePanzer [_E_] Alpha Group
19,570 71% 3,209
__skytrain__tooto__Hua_Q [MAHOU] here or not?
25,630 63% 3,122
6,389 59% 3,068
Sr_Meeseeks [-AS-] LOOK AT MEEEE
2,990 58% 3,055
Bruno_Germany [HACK1] Myp_
730 62% 3,048
kaiky_01 [FINES] Paulo Brifi Cado
3,497 57% 3,025
xys182kk [NERV] here or not?
33,648 62% 2,953
L0rdB0b [HACK1] Lordsheen
5,050 57% 2,941
Abimadiel [_2D2_] pollos asesinos
5,346 55% 2,922
Training_account_h4rd [C-I-S] Myp_
13,349 60% 2,886
gerardozarc [VILIN] BOTS 2.0
18,959 58% 2,681
II_Code_II [RAIZ] The End
1,617 56% 2,677
_El_Negro_Cacheton [_2D2_] pollos asesinos
5,563 55% 2,537
The_Ecchi_Criminal [L4ST] ████████████████████
7,042 56% 2,425
_G4BR1EL_ [GOFD] US 4 - 16:00, 24 Abr
41,422 55% 2,418
Fish_22 [BOND] R33L G4M3R$
22,617 55% 2,394
37,947 55% 2,346
1st_OneShoot [-HERO] _HERO_
15,624 56% 2,290
950 59% 2,283
BlackSwan [RDDT] 3v3 SA Sat afternoon
51,272 55% 2,278
sanyi021 [HUNK] Borárostéri gyrososo
40,759 55% 2,263
xWilderness [BOND] R33L G4M3R$
12,623 55% 2,261
John_Metal_ [X-7] 💩💩💩💩
30,507 55% 2,240
_BOROMIR_ [PIXL-] O-NI Masters
17,699 56% 2,238
hehehe223 [RSOLV] Hehehe223
4,407 52% 2,214
Oppo_F7_ [0B_B0] gg gg gg
11,078 55% 2,207
PatoThe [SAS-] WOT - Play For Free
17,327 54% 2,192
Senpai_Of_Jungle [L4ST] ████████████████████
18,203 54% 2,173
Jellytoad [CZ4R] NoArty
35,300 55% 2,155
__WarChild__ [OPIC] Alpha Group
44,304 58% 2,147
20,980 55% 2,089
x_White_Angel_x [4ORCE] PARS
3,550 57% 2,087
Lomdermas [_2D2_] Lordsheen
52,029 54% 2,051
MERO12345 [STOP] 3v3 SA Sat afternoon
60,725 56% 2,040
adderlypa [X-7] BOTS 2.0
50,580 56% 2,040
_Antrax20_ [X-7] BOTS 2.0
18,124 56% 2,029
R1_KO_INS4NE [X-7] 💩💩💩💩
48,549 54% 2,009
kainter [0B_B0] gg gg gg
7,913 52% 2,007
Tiger_SOBR [C-I-S] Alpha Group
74,497 57% 1,978
B_Trasher [RDDT] Life in the Big City
41,366 55% 1,957
RachmaninoffSniper [P1GS] P1GS
48,166 53% 1,936
yann1121 [_2D2_] pinkis
17,030 54% 1,916
Krown [RDDT] Life in the Big City
17,613 56% 1,903
Total: 197

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