Tournament - 3v3: South American Open

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: April 17, 2021; Accepted Teams: 69 (Total: 100)
Map: Westfield
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: April 17, 2021
Average WN8: 1,543
Total: 208
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
_Alucard_Hellsing [8BITS] UZPRETU
13,601 61% 4,792
6,355 64% 4,117
RaiseOnce [PHASE] ‮‮‮‮‮‮
11,286 65% 3,918
11,033 65% 3,651
The_Levi_Criminal Comedor de casadas
4,349 62% 3,523
Larry_EL_Sucio [_2D2_] pollos asesinos
12,448 60% 3,426
Destroyer133_2016 [YAROU] Batman,Robin & Joker
25,784 61% 3,305
112 68% 3,290
__skytrain__tooto__Hua_Q [MAHOU] Nerv ous?
25,613 63% 3,118
16,634 65% 3,065
6,277 59% 3,035
xys182kk [NERV] Nerv ous?
33,531 62% 2,961
L0rdB0b [HACK1] Last Minute
5,044 57% 2,941
Training_account_h4rd [C-I-S] Myp_
13,339 60% 2,885
_C_70XIC_7w7_ [IMSS] Los negros blancos
6,064 60% 2,842
JustShelby [HUMO] _API
23,643 58% 2,815
Javito_ [RACKD] Maracas Asesinas
3,624 61% 2,797
Toastastic [4HIMT] Undeniably Great
8,492 58% 2,736
LITtle_GERman [CRAKD] ‮‮‮‮‮‮
14,659 59% 2,720
Shadow__xXx [MAHOU] _xXx_
47,107 60% 2,715
baron_rojo_24 [-TRD-] _xXx_
15,275 58% 2,658
Pazthor [_MIB_] Man in Black
5,602 57% 2,593
The_Ecchi_Criminal [TEACH] Comedor de casadas
7,040 56% 2,425
WindGhost97 [-IPA-] _xXx_
41,237 55% 2,419
1Trampozo [FBL] juli02
17,814 56% 2,370
xLegend_Killer [RELIC] mamaco
39,342 56% 2,345
_Tomasz [PHASE] ‮‮‮‮‮‮
24,905 55% 2,292
46,159 56% 2,281
BlackSwan [RDDT] ‮‮‮‮‮‮‮
51,012 55% 2,277
sar_warrior_1 [LEEX] Leex 3X
2,570 52% 2,225
kakashispfc Man in Black
1,433 57% 2,213
PatoThe [SAS-] WOT - Play For Free
17,230 54% 2,191
BrowerCH [_TS] mineiro de Alagoas
19,171 54% 2,190
Senpai_Of_Jungle [GOFD] Comedor de casadas
18,203 54% 2,173
Chat_Banned_PUNISH3R [X-7] Los 3 mosqueteros
45,601 56% 2,158
__WarChild__ [OPIC] Alpha Group
44,205 58% 2,145
ateszrambo6 [RDDT] FFjanek
22,477 53% 2,132
CHANO_CHOCA [DEMSY] Los 3 mosqueteros
20,898 55% 2,095
x_White_Angel_x [4ORCE] Lap_Noobux_Biz
3,531 57% 2,082
kingmeofme [REL-2] boopingforgold
39,101 54% 2,077
_S_I_M_O_H_A_Y_H_A_ [_LHI_] Maracas Asesinas
9,803 55% 2,077
yasine007 [ORDER] ‮‮‮‮‮‮‮
80,998 54% 2,077
_For_THE_Horde_ [-HERO] _HERO_
7,355 53% 2,056
Lomdermas [_2D2_] pollos asesinos
51,948 54% 2,051
RickEdwards [SEGA] E-50M Squad
31,877 54% 2,029
Schwacked boopingforgold
71,358 55% 2,024
SearedSkillet [RDDTV] Make-A-Wish
36,212 55% 2,020
kainter [0B_B0] gg gg gg
7,692 52% 2,016
KrazeeRussian [C-I-S] WOT - Play For Free
38,063 56% 2,002
Kleitus [X-7] X-T7_FTW
24,134 55% 1,979
Total: 208

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