Tournament - 3v3: South American Open

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: March 27, 2021; Accepted Teams: 65 (Total: 109)
Map: Sand River
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: March 27, 2021
Average WN8: 1,646
Total: 196
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
112chineseheavytank I have no team
161 48% 7,614
kanonenjagdpanzer89 I have no team
170 46% 7,241
LongShot_Type62 [324TH] ABACATE VOADOR
167 57% 6,678
_Alucard_Hellsing [8BITS] ai que delicia
12,862 61% 4,633
90 68% 4,575
Buy_Hands [DIOS] Churro
693 61% 4,392
_GreySky [CZ4R] sand in my eyes
4,162 69% 4,193
RaiseOnce [TRY] ‮‮‮‮
10,810 66% 3,915
r09er_that [TRY] ‮‮‮‮
1,487 65% 3,800
Reformed_Polish [NUFFS] JonyYoDupre
4,386 61% 3,627
swisstankmaster [THUGZ] Swiss Tankers
9,788 60% 3,508
_RameaViejas_Jhons_ [S-A-R] Hermano de Sangre
16,090 61% 3,429
D_a_r_K_W_a_T_c_H [8BITS] TRIO DE CONE
1,441 60% 3,408
1200Micrograms [RECAV] HOCHIHA
1,236 54% 3,311
Twyder [8BITS] ai que delicia
5,903 59% 3,100
Fishy________AimMagician [CRAKD] sand in my eyes
11,674 59% 3,056
raha_evgen [KOZAK] KOZAK
16,422 59% 3,044
17,565 55% 3,032
Training_account_h4rd [C-I-S] Myp_
13,225 60% 2,962
KpaccaBa KOZAK
2,397 58% 2,960
DarkWarrior_XDD [B34RS] Hermano de Sangre
6,362 58% 2,858
Langr [TRY] ‮‮‮‮
17,481 60% 2,818
Shadow__xXx [MAHOU] _xXx_
47,107 60% 2,731
Diego_Rebelde [B34RS] Hermano de Sangre
15,564 58% 2,687
gerardozarc [VILIN] LOS SIN MANOS
18,611 58% 2,667
952 58% 2,651
The_Pyro_Man [RAT-M] Puttbluggers
27,793 58% 2,633
LittlexxxxPigxxxx [GRIMY] Alpha Group
49,355 62% 2,598
The_Ecchi_Criminal [TEACH] G4R3L4
7,026 56% 2,420
WindGhost97 [-IPA-] _xXx_
40,980 55% 2,408
40,970 55% 2,401
SexySaxBeast [RELIC] Puttbluggers
24,155 57% 2,393
NorthWind_1 [DEMSY] Los 3 mosqueteros
27,028 58% 2,356
_Jack_Sparr0w_ [-TLH-] EL Perla NEgra
25,971 55% 2,299
SubWulf [SKULH] SKULHbad
7,716 56% 2,247
Crazy_Horse84 [S-A-B] 15th S-A-B
4,884 54% 2,231
PatoThe [SAS-] WOT - Play For Free
17,094 54% 2,191
MarcosBR_SC [8BITS] ai que delicia
37,827 54% 2,166
BrowerCH [_TS] Clube do Chaves
19,029 54% 2,158
SCdragon [EOA4] kjkjhkh
945 53% 2,140
iczyje [CZ4R] sand in my eyes
23,303 57% 2,132
_For_THE_Horde_ [-HERO] SkyPieRceR_MonGoL
6,268 53% 2,088
CHANO_CHOCA [DEMSY] Los 3 mosqueteros
20,558 55% 2,083
adderlypa [X-7] LOS SIN MANOS
50,259 56% 2,039
RickEdwards [SEGA] Panther II Squad
31,846 54% 2,029
Astatine [SEGA] Panther II Squad
23,432 55% 2,025
_Antrax20_ [X-7] LOS SIN MANOS
17,819 56% 2,016
KrazeeRussian [C-I-S] WOT - Play For Free
37,721 56% 2,013
siassias1965 [RECAV] HOCHIHA
6,915 53% 1,977
_Fede__RS [-907-] Xxxl
9,088 54% 1,976
Total: 196

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