Tournament - 4v4: Weekday Scuffle

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: March 18, 2021; Accepted Teams: 103 (Total: 136)
Map: Ruinberg
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: March 18, 2021
Average WN8: 1,612
Total: 415
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
112chineseheavytank Asriel
161 48% 7,614
T54firstprototype Asriel
157 48% 7,603
kanonenjagdpanzer89 Asriel
170 46% 7,241
LEP_ASI [F-L-A] __1__
2,585 69% 4,699
BailesNoBezmiega [MAHOU] {|||||||}
748 72% 4,239
Abimadiel [_2D2_] pollos asesinos
16,632 54% 4,204
VovaUkrainian [MAHOU] {|||||||}
22,215 66% 4,172
Marrowll [XANAX] {|||||||}
1,136 69% 4,004
CHAI___Sniper yoloswag420
11,051 66% 3,889
Inquilono_Derrotado ­­­­­­
129 69% 3,823
Leather_Man [POPN] {|||||||}
3,487 63% 3,649
Destroyer133_2016 Batmans and Robins
32,299 62% 3,556
Dotar_Soyat [_M3_] Hermano de Sangre
26,361 59% 3,521
HeartOfCampNou [LYB] 懂的都懂
25,611 67% 3,515
Bergrisar_ Eraser
4,728 61% 3,510
Suh_Mantics [CRAKD] What is the Meaning?
15,366 62% 3,380
Eiji_Loves_Crystal [SUS] valorant
8,885 63% 3,065
xys182kk [CRAKD] Nerv ous?
41,125 62% 3,058
Press_ALT_F4_For_Win [GNTLM] pastel com brocolis
9,326 64% 3,001
Jim_Halpert_ MERCENARIOS 88
13,649 66% 2,984
tonyzjtong [-G-] 懂的都懂
24,280 60% 2,970
BlueFlyDigger [CZ4R] 懂的都懂
21,835 61% 2,939
R4FA_ [_2D2_] new__
37,688 58% 2,902
Vegeta_Ultra_Instinto Hasta la vista baby
9,707 60% 2,890
Demonic671 [MAHOU] yoloswag420
35,501 60% 2,860
Harry_DLie [CRAKD] What is the Meaning?
26,209 59% 2,857
TastyPastry [MAHOU] yoloswag420
37,730 59% 2,842
Langr [TRY] What is the Meaning?
17,375 60% 2,816
5,125 59% 2,774
WindKnight009 [NERV] 666666
26,022 58% 2,731
GIVUP25 [MAHOU] Verwi Gold Fund
23,814 58% 2,727
drmfslsgx119 懂的都懂
37,232 59% 2,717
Emon_ [LYSA] Nerv ous?
36,795 59% 2,704
_Wolftron __1__
4,839 60% 2,685
LITtle_GERman [CRAKD] What is the Meaning?
13,983 58% 2,654
JDM_Engine_Supreme [PLAF] 瞎几把搞
28,760 63% 2,629
Hjkaus [DREAM] Dweam Ice Cweam
15,767 60% 2,627
JakoGayFur5Head_x3 [FURST] FURST
1,174 59% 2,608
ll__Brave__ll [_2D2_] Zzxz
7,495 56% 2,597
Abyssal_Kitty [RDDT] Life in the Big City
35,189 57% 2,580
BrowerCH [N0M0D] pastel com brocolis
24,479 55% 2,541
Steiner_ [BOND] Boomers Bitches
92,937 60% 2,535
Kita07 [S-A-R] YameteOnichanOnegai
76,730 57% 2,534
Diego_Rebelde [B34RS] Hermano de Sangre
21,076 58% 2,527
MrRamenCraver [CRTIQ] Honors French 3
13,612 54% 2,519
SpliterFoxHound [FURST] FURST
53,102 57% 2,511
DarkNinja____ [CHAO] pastel com brocolis
14,529 56% 2,471
andi92 [-BY-] Mancus_team
54,377 58% 2,458
NastierHobbits [-RR] Expired_memes.exe
33,097 57% 2,451
Crazy_Horse84 [HAVOK] ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎
17,421 56% 2,442
Total: 415

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