Tournament - 3v3: South American Open

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: March 06, 2021; Accepted Teams: 86 (Total: 124)
Map: Himmelsdorf
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: March 06, 2021
Average WN8: 1,649
Total: 258
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
flashroal [C-I-S] stela
2,761 64% 4,833
LEP_ASI [F-L-A] E-50M Squad
2,504 68% 4,696
BailesNoBezmiega [MAHOU] <<>>
748 72% 4,239
VovaUkrainian [MAHOU] <<>>
22,215 66% 4,172
Marrowll [XANAX] <<>>
1,126 69% 4,003
RaiseOnce [TRY] ‮‮‮‮
10,202 66% 3,904
Javito_ Hermanos de Sangre
2,479 63% 3,671
T1o__Sam [X-7] Hermanos de Sangre
6,247 60% 3,487
__skytrain__tooto__Hua_Q [MAHOU] Nerv ous?
25,396 63% 3,111
kaiky_01 [GRL] IMUNE
2,687 57% 3,103
_NikoChiiaN [L4ST] _xXx_
14,850 59% 3,083
16,233 65% 3,077
TastyPastry [-G-] yoloswag420
34,161 59% 2,966
Training_account_h4rd [C-I-S] stela
13,141 60% 2,958
xys182kk [NERV] Nerv ous?
32,406 62% 2,878
Langr [TRY] н̴̢̛̻͓͉͓̂̈́͊͘е̶̯̃̀̓̉т
17,287 60% 2,808
wotbestgame [HUMO] _API
23,325 58% 2,783
Fievel_x3 [-G-] yoloswag420
12,678 61% 2,768
Shadow__xXx [MAHOU] _xXx_
47,106 60% 2,731
RocKnFly [G-B] some beer
48,484 60% 2,727
KAST477 [-TRD-] 1234567890...
5,285 61% 2,680
Diego_Rebelde [B34RS] Hermanos de Sangre
15,021 58% 2,673
_El_Negro_Cacheton [_2D2_] pollos asesinos
5,489 55% 2,528
Dany_fight [ELM0] hades se la come muy
63,153 57% 2,514
Zero_Training [RUGIR] 99% RNG / 1%skill
996 59% 2,502
Abyssal_Kitty [RDDT] Life in the Big City
29,048 57% 2,478
xxXKaiserXxx [HUMO] _API
51,667 55% 2,423
Red_Lord [TEACH] @$@ @+@ @I@ @^@ @o@
8,866 57% 2,419
The_Ecchi_Criminal [TEACH] G4R3L4
7,007 56% 2,414
WindGhost97 [LLA] _xXx_
40,756 55% 2,399
No_Resp3ct [RELIC] bots
28,033 58% 2,394
nikooooooo123 [IMSS] tosteris
1,591 56% 2,367
xLegend_Killer [RELIC] ‮‮‮‮‮
38,641 55% 2,310
sanyi021 [HUNK] Hunk
40,198 55% 2,293
_Tomasz [TRY] н̴̢̛̻͓͉͓̂̈́͊͘е̶̯̃̀̓̉т
24,445 55% 2,283
45,800 56% 2,271
BlackSwan [RDDT] casual
49,166 55% 2,264
Cojofojo Alpha Group
31,517 57% 2,232
Chrlie [PHASE] hit the snooze again
12,689 56% 2,211
John_Metal_ [X-7] (UwU)
29,613 55% 2,206
SubWulf [SKULH] SKULHbad
7,507 56% 2,205
LabattQC [G-B] some beer
17,179 56% 2,204
Crazy_Horse84 [S-A-B] ​​​​
4,311 55% 2,201
cello_ [PARS] @$@ @+@ @I@ @^@ @o@
26,799 58% 2,198
_Topazzio_ [TEACH] G4R3L4
18,969 54% 2,183
Senpai_Of_Jungle [TEACH] G4R3L4
18,013 54% 2,146
TaLLy__ [PHASE] hit the snooze again
9,434 58% 2,143
__WarChild__ [OPIC] The cooch punchers
43,487 58% 2,131
ateszrambo6 [HUNK] Hunk
22,172 53% 2,112
IcedTeaWithNoIce [RDDT] Life in the Big City
41,435 55% 2,100
Total: 258

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