Tournament - 2v2: South American Open

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: March 15, 2020; Accepted Teams: 159 (Total: 200)
Map: Empire's Border
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: March 15, 2020
Average WN8: 1,307
Total: 318
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
desertman1977 [CRZY] Spark boys
3 67% 4,167
Lieutenant_Lucas lieutenant_lucas
18,089 63% 3,329
Destroyer133_2016 [UWS] destro
20,589 60% 3,227
Pashoin_smol [BULBA] Professional Pubbies
40,662 60% 3,041
Haich [STAKD] Boto
27,339 63% 2,957
TastyPastry [-G-] yoloswag420
30,786 58% 2,915
CptBastidas [S-A-R] Ladrillo power
27,569 58% 2,910
Munia19 [-G-] lieutenant_lucas
30,245 60% 2,870
Racing_Legend_Deffendor [BULBA] aaaaaaaaaa
30,597 59% 2,859
_xXx__Shadow__xXx_ [MAHOU] _xXx_
46,467 60% 2,749
Diego_Rebelde [B34RS] Hermanos de Sangre
9,241 58% 2,718
RocKnFly [-G-] Audi Team
42,987 60% 2,716
Insane_Lex [KOZAK] 1234
15,673 60% 2,612
Adrian_50 [KEEP] Brigada SOS
10,533 58% 2,596
Guardians6521 Professional Pubbies
31,396 58% 2,582
los_vengadores [4-K] _xXx_
40,431 56% 2,567
35,953 55% 2,524
bussplana [KOZAK] KOZAK
60,767 57% 2,521
Leonidas_da_Beast [OPIC] This is Sparta
13,808 59% 2,518
_F4brizio___ [N0M0D] [-C-O-N-E-S-]
6,250 56% 2,404
TheDarKiller14923 [E-X] LADIDADIDA
5,933 56% 2,399
ro_gunner [RO-TD] RO_____CJ
42,221 56% 2,338
AngryBaboon [N0M0D] Monka$
33,888 56% 2,324
DRHUCK [4-K] Eu Macaco
22,286 55% 2,322
TigrehcUS [CZ4R] France + Quebec
3,302 55% 2,315
__AngelOfDeath__ [STAKD] This is Sparta
48,883 57% 2,305
TouchingPermanently [MAHOU] yoloswag420
56,109 56% 2,290
Goldflag rockets
16,832 54% 2,224
LabattQC [CZ4R] Audi Team
15,734 55% 2,211
SahintheFalcon [E-50M] JOE BIDEN 2020 BABY
46,828 61% 2,199
Seely_Brain_Wrinkly [STAKD] mclane1755
16,444 55% 2,188
MarianoRojas [-ZOO-] CoronaDengue
35,363 56% 2,165
_Yossarian [LARRY] 2v2 Arty Only ^TM
17,540 58% 2,148
Keith7 [E-50M] i want randoms
2,824 56% 2,130
mclane1755 [STAKD] mclane1755
31,337 55% 2,126
BloodRain Old nooB
50,353 54% 2,111
51,400 57% 2,098
Epileptic_Monkey [ALERT] Chaos_at_Costco
31,188 55% 2,094
DrackHero [STAKD] Boto
27,765 57% 2,064
uBIGhunk [ALERT] Chaos_at_Costco
40,709 53% 2,031
N4cheT3___0_0ll [4-K] ThisTeamMyOwnTeam
29,258 54% 2,029
theruev [BULBA] aaaaaaaaaa
26,183 55% 2,027
22,121 52% 2,000
Ol_Polodo_Do_Vroisers_xd [4-K] makako
19,739 55% 1,986
15,817 58% 1,956
KenwayGuns El__Weas
24,660 53% 1,951
Kleitus [X-7] alejoselacomedoblada
21,976 55% 1,950
Tough_Cookiez74 2LeBum
16,515 55% 1,927
Avet2 [KOZAK] 1234
25,446 56% 1,921
weaselmaster [LARRY] 2v2 Arty Only ^TM
16,396 56% 1,921
Total: 318

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