Tournament - 5v5: Sunday Mastery Bracket

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: January 20, 2019; Accepted Teams: 269 (Total: 346)
Map: Airfield
Battle Mode: Standard battle
Start: January 20, 2019
Average WN8: 1,353
Total: 1,477
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
fredy28 R.O.N.
10,840 46% 450
15,155 46% 446
amp051947 [JMSQC] Vetera
23,290 44% 442
Nickel_Hound [B_T_T] Bloodthirsty
7,757 46% 426
Serpent_Sixx [B_T_T] Bloodthirsty
9,502 45% 424
Mario_8720 [DOREK] DOREk X (20ener-19h)
5,265 45% 418
RoockyQC [JMSQC] Vetera
3,324 46% 417
18,094 47% 415
TuaregBr [ANAC3] ANACONDA#13 2001
3,323 47% 408
JasonX_2013 [NATAC] OGRE Sucketh [NATAC]
39,526 46% 406
DODGE_2016 [VIXEN] Vixen
25,065 46% 404
18,685 45% 402
kncer [FR0NT] FRONT 10
20,971 46% 398
udanter [UP-NA] UP-NA
12,902 46% 390
Ragnar_Nothbrok [GOFD] TTEAM-PPK
31,745 45% 384
Gabomas83 nelson
12,606 45% 380
Big_Country79 [LMB] Ape's Apes
17,019 43% 339
gro_42 [B_T_T] Bloodthirsty
26,188 44% 329
matacangry [UWS] SAMUCEN
8,906 46% 323
jebstuart14 [B_T_T] Bloodthirsty
30,050 44% 320
bjs1440 [1SW] RAMS
24,644 45% 319
SirTimothy_1 [KL4SH] -RUN- 4 it
21,929 46% 292
39,282 43% 247
TenatiousTiger [G1] Gremlins
8,735 44% 228
jamesmartinez_2005 [TKB2] PROUNLA2.10
17,804 45% 222
PrincessOfDarkness26 [14575] PRINCESS_WTF
5,707 43% 186
4,970 43% 121
Total: 1,477

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