Tournament - Platournament 5.02.17

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: May 02, 2017; Accepted Teams: 296 (Total: 374)
Map: Himmelsdorf
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: May 02, 2017
Average WN8: 1,015
Total: 1,125
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
MrSNIFFLES23 [F-3] Shortbus Snipers
28,223 52% 1,477
gonzalez6499 [CBL] ! cbl
36,313 52% 1,474
Huntercito [L4ST] Luna_Roja
33,752 53% 1,473
goldengrams12 [HAPPY] Our Gang
45,116 51% 1,472
Belkon Kebab Removers
7,763 53% 1,471
Paisan_Inc [A_F_1] AF-1 The Brave Ones
18,183 56% 1,471
syrys1973 [EARCT] Fernet Branca
29,891 52% 1,470
Sorenlongwing [WONKA] squad
7,921 53% 1,469
TwojKoniecZiomek1 [-TPL-] HUBERT JEST GRUBY
5,485 54% 1,465
Rogalik_zero_hero [-TPL-] HUBERT JEST GRUBY
8,656 52% 1,461
P45Tiger [WOHT] $$$$
24,653 51% 1,458
Scuddles22 [POW_] Poke the Bear
20,888 53% 1,454
SirBR4ZUK4_ [OWAR] Name
15,522 50% 1,448
_Deceive [CERB] LARRY
14,990 52% 1,447
Stoutnbitter55 [POW_] Poke Da Bear
22,416 52% 1,446
N1M6 [PARS] ahura
22,364 52% 1,438
Cpl_BIoggins [5D3] Driving Blind
51,661 52% 1,435
Eagletank777 [LTG_B] MOOBS
54,397 53% 1,422
NicoLeBel [WN] W.N. #1
22,823 51% 1,420
tenebre3 [LM_QC] G Panzer Division
10,586 52% 1,419
Bird_Dog76 [4HIM2] GRUNTS
30,660 52% 1,417
L1ntR0ll3r [GNZX2] DarkMatter-GNZ-
16,318 52% 1,416
RebelxBandit The Legion
17,596 51% 1,414
tundra2012_ [UKR] Noobs
19,871 54% 1,413
verreaultshow25 [DDONG] TheRedTomato1
20,802 51% 1,412
santag [NA-CL] NaCl
16,780 52% 1,411
XRasenganX [IPV] IPV.
19,077 53% 1,403
Big_Ice [-LSA-] -LSA-
12,146 52% 1,401
__Meteoro__ [C0TAB] Los_Mancos
40,642 51% 1,400
dan103 [K-S] POLIFAN
49,954 52% 1,400
LA_MUERTE_XXX [_UA_] ++++++++++
21,190 51% 1,393
18,415 51% 1,391
diegocruz [NN] PAPA KILL
27,110 51% 1,391
panhead61 [ANUTZ] Our Gang
85,866 51% 1,389
_ZUZZ_ [COCA] Luna_Roja
7,164 53% 1,388
Sashok_Ua [UKR] Noobs
12,479 52% 1,387
Maverick_H [A_F_1] AF-1 The Brave Ones
20,196 54% 1,386
Tewlbox [-UO-] bacon
9,919 53% 1,386
jorgelp abarajame la bañera
30,193 50% 1,381
N4jdovski [S-A-B] DreamTeam
12,204 51% 1,380
Nerdynoob2 dfsgdsfgsdfg
20,126 52% 1,380
Roger_Pro98 [-ADL-] Assassins
16,169 51% 1,380
koolankit [CHKRA] [CHKRA] Camper squad
52,858 51% 1,380
46,441 52% 1,380
31,688 51% 1,380
nothingas [P1GZ] P1Gz
16,248 51% 1,379
JackeiG [HMBR] 100%OFF!
36,172 50% 1,378
PapaPituffo Plomeros
18,425 51% 1,377
happyman1298col [T_K_O] T_K_O
16,439 52% 1,375
LordZack [P1GZ] P1Gz
29,617 51% 1,375
Total: 1,125

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