Tournament - 1v1: Weekday Scuffle

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: April 13, 2023; Accepted Teams: 361 (Total: 369)
Map: Prokhorovka
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: April 13, 2023
Average WN8: 1,460
Total: 361
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
awk [SED] vano
75,108 51% 1,485
Andrew_Mateo [KING_] asdasdasd
15,421 50% 1,484
Gabriel_Gonnet [NOBBS] Negronnet
26,268 48% 1,482
Lightsaber11 [ROLLS] Light One
80,554 52% 1,481
11,271 51% 1,467
Espartan117_Defender_Pro [_SL_] xSeiber
30,785 50% 1,452
tepartoendos [_BST_] Textiles
50,390 53% 1,447
Juan_Carlos_Valencia [_SL_] ----
5,780 48% 1,446
20,425 52% 1,445
Raltahook [SRB] Raltahook
29,042 50% 1,442
_DeusVult [HIDRA] GordoMan
18,249 49% 1,425
32,455 51% 1,424
Peaky_Blinders4 [IKU] safa abd
11,720 49% 1,422
20,266 52% 1,406
emodude [CLASX] EDude
28,682 51% 1,405
AceNikhil [RDDT] De-Tox
59,945 51% 1,403
LucarioSkywalker [SHILD] THEmondaka
6,954 51% 1,397
_907 Camila_907
67,496 51% 1,397
_Max_xaM_ [MAZUT] Ola-la
26,495 52% 1,397
Espectro_12 [MAS_X] Espectrines
7,716 49% 1,392
engineer_427 [4ORC2] PlanetExpress
13,082 51% 1,380
Great_White_Shark [AC] Just me
1,844 52% 1,370
PigDogg PigDogg
45,389 52% 1,368
range [74TH] Range
66,827 50% 1,359
_S_L_I_P_K_N_O_T_ [_NP_] ççççççç
25,849 49% 1,352
chort_ [-VOID] void
276 58% 1,340
S65_AMG [911] no show please
9,567 50% 1,333
srb18 [FUEGO] srb18
15,781 50% 1,330
6,646 48% 1,321
maxbuceo [_SL_] xuno
69,746 50% 1,299
Opxoo [-HERO] Opxoo
28,737 49% 1,295
kill9bis [WOTLA] disc
52,896 52% 1,294
DECOR140 *SkullWolf*
14,548 50% 1,293
sorrowful_owl [DODMD] _owl_
10,218 51% 1,292
DanicanSkywalker [-WBW-] The Water Tanks
10,902 52% 1,286
Eclipse_The_Pony MLP Rocks!
18,036 52% 1,279
RenatoSlipknot [EIXO2] FLUMINENSE
23,221 52% 1,276
Alexis_Mernies [KING_] oro ven ami
17,532 47% 1,270
Mr_Gooat_TTV Garbage
22,288 52% 1,268
XGoodie2ShoesX [TANC] Innocence
52,022 51% 1,263
Ziu88 MERCENARIOS🤬​ 88​🖕
55,326 51% 1,244
Michael_B101 [3K] B101
44,400 50% 1,231
charly_123 [FUEGO] KING OF NORTH
18,068 50% 1,227
wesleysniper [TAP] wesleysniper
43,961 49% 1,224
AleSan1972 [WE3D] Alesan1972
54,426 49% 1,216
Shong_Anglion [BANDS] Diversión
47,493 50% 1,209
goodfunman [ALARI] GFM Champions
72,981 50% 1,206
IowanDrugMonkey [STER] Madddd
54,859 49% 1,202
RAZORhbs7_PRO_PREI [C0BR4] Bonde do Razor
12,792 48% 1,201
Silver_Bandit [CBRO2] Bandit
33,192 49% 1,201
Total: 361

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