Tournament - 3v3: South American Open

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: February 05, 2022; Accepted Teams: 31 (Total: 60)
Map: El Halluf
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: February 05, 2022
Average WN8: 1,759
Total: 93
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
G4BR1EL_22 [_LHI_] Knife in Skull
13,931 53% 1,659
roflstein [AC] soup of the monkey
14,155 55% 1,623
koolankit [RDDT] Strikers
72,879 51% 1,619
31,032 52% 1,617
UmbraLux [LOAD] lagg
18,573 52% 1,592
didao carrasco
25,201 51% 1,585
Lueh Merwe
17,064 54% 1,580
leandroolli [RAIZ] Trem
24,236 50% 1,573
Dark_Lord2020 [4HIM] 99%Skill 1%RNG
22,777 51% 1,557
eric_roberts [-54-] carrasco
42,291 51% 1,551
Lionel_248 [4HIM] friends
2,486 53% 1,520
Nacho71AR [CLASS] carrasco
38,867 53% 1,518
OgreW [KOZAK] last minute
59,122 52% 1,517
corzo7557 [FBL] Doubletap
8,835 51% 1,484
SouIMate [-ZOO-] Doubletap
20,663 50% 1,474
Amaury_lomeli [BANDS] Duo de 3
10,442 50% 1,413
Professor_Bunny_YT [GRYPC] memes
22,244 51% 1,389
Sir_Joe [BANDS] Duo de 3
50,250 51% 1,375
Jake_WomanRespecterer [FINES] retired men
23,995 52% 1,330
Ferkman [LOKUS] We gonna explode :(
27,877 49% 1,234
EVALDO701 [LOKUS] We gonna explode :(
23,233 50% 1,214
Maxmusha [AUDIT] Trem
36,741 49% 1,210
Gurdian_2411 [AR_TI] kaga con changa
6,592 48% 1,196
ProSair [BANDS] Duo de 3
20,184 49% 1,191
nippurcamp [WE3D] kaga con changa
46,008 50% 1,154
sketch7 [ROLLS] Waboosh
28,439 49% 1,148
GatO1999 [MDV] Doubletap
10,670 49% 1,134
jalapenochip [AC] soup of the monkey
9,829 52% 1,127
45_Colt [FINES] retired men
34,366 51% 1,117
Kagasaurus [AR_TI] kaga con changa
11,495 46% 1,106
_Shadow_Shot_ memes
8,661 48% 1,089
Ulisses1969 [LOKUS] We gonna explode :(
31,054 46% 1,074
10,601 46% 1,038
RazorNitro74717 SARACATUNGA
21,218 48% 1,000
Ortiz570 [PZRLT] Reyes de la niebla
18,194 49% 999
pownjectile [ROLLS] Waboosh
22,521 49% 959
Igortanks2020 [C0BR4] 🦂 escorpiao cobr4
7,433 45% 877
DIMARIK123 [C-I-S] last minute
76,835 48% 866
12Toto1208 [PZRLT] Reyes de la niebla
12,351 40% 794
highvoltage601 [-STC] retired men
33,014 46% 723
EspioNaj [IKU] last minute
42,230 47% 684
45,574 46% 617
DarkKnight_84 [META8] friends
817 46% 510
Total: 93

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