Tournament - 1v1: South American Open

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: July 05, 2021; Accepted Teams: 555 (Total: 566)
Map: Sand River
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: July 05, 2021
Average WN8: 1,306
Total: 555
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
2ndTanks_ No Name
136,730 55% 2,135
Caveman1234 [T_K_O] t_k_o
100,499 54% 2,122
20,857 55% 2,116
Triple_Cheese [OPIC] freewin4ltu
30,522 54% 2,111
Visions_ Visions_
39,230 54% 2,097
Marrano_Kun__0_0ll [LLA] ██████████
12,349 55% 2,069
andisojorge869 [DOREK] XxshadowxX
32,327 54% 2,058
Apoca3110 [-IPA-] apotaaaaaa
21,313 57% 2,053
Angellmal_ [GOFD] MasterChef
2,457 55% 2,039
wogker [S-A-R] wogker
40,268 54% 2,028
Hanke_13 [_TS] dededede
34,059 54% 2,025
ducanh_507 [OPIC] fatasadasdasd
39,529 55% 2,011
_For_THE_Horde_ [-HERO] teko
9,616 53% 2,010
R1_KO_INS4NE [X-7] ‮‮‮‮ ‮‮‮‮
48,626 54% 2,007
__Matt___ [CELTA] AEfeKa
31,658 53% 2,005
Destinyxd_ [LLA] maho
14,599 55% 2,004
CAD_Condor USA Education System
43,683 56% 1,985
Jorge_50 [_2D2_] 🎮 WOT 🕹
6,777 52% 1,984
_Tomato_Reroll tomatoooooo
700 56% 1,983
Panthipe [-TY-] PanthipeExpress
5,603 51% 1,975
argsarge [WE3D] thismanker
8,786 55% 1,973
Adriancitooo Adrian
4,243 53% 1,950
Smiler85 [C-I-S] coco_jumbo
29,082 53% 1,944
29,250 53% 1,944
sanlitros Casi Guapo
43,572 56% 1,940
XXX_x_sniper_x_XXX [WE3D] $$((EL_GATO_LOCO))$$
17,525 55% 1,934
Von_Hellswinkle [_TLM_] asdfg
40,306 55% 1,927
MacedonianSteelHeart [S-A-B] SAB!
23,557 55% 1,907
BLACK_EXODIA55 [-IPA-] ':':':''':'
44,944 53% 1,905
7,799 55% 1,905
Byracki ‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍
38,354 54% 1,895
milqui [-BAN-] La Cura
37,106 54% 1,894
digtiger [_MIB_] Tralala
34,099 54% 1,887
46Days [PROF] Lilith
11,890 51% 1,881
MoonHwaRyu Undertaker
26,557 55% 1,869
_El_Negro_LeoMullins_ [_2D2_] Los Negros
29,113 53% 1,860
slick33 TEST
83,040 54% 1,859
Renekton36 [X-7] Timsi
37,159 54% 1,858
HighWoltage_Ru [C-I-S] HighVoltage
97,586 53% 1,843
__TheShortBus__ [PZB] The Short Bus
14,298 54% 1,838
_Checkmate [MEGAA] Team_Name_Here
28,395 55% 1,834
SENS0R [RO-TD] 77777777777777
21,728 53% 1,827
_Dannx_ [LATIN] SA 7000PR
62,325 52% 1,809
Other_Shadow 1%HABILIDAD99%RNG
2,294 57% 1,804
eliecer_EG [-DON-] ````````````````````
42,205 52% 1,803
lilsig [CDEV] lilsigraiders
11,727 54% 1,793
Alcatraz_46 [SKOOL] Super manco
13,368 54% 1,782
howdouplaywot [0RE0] hows
7,885 54% 1,779
Waild [LCR] a real afk team
25,470 55% 1,773
21,571 52% 1,755
Total: 555

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