Tournament - 2v2: Weekday Scuffle

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: October 09, 2020; Accepted Teams: 198 (Total: 261)
Map: Steppes
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: October 09, 2020
Average WN8: 1,314
Total: 397
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
gelmibson [ARGEN] gel mibson ataca
964 47% 622
TheIllestxl [P-N] reapers
19,433 47% 622
36,997 44% 621
Leandro_Pio [-FSC-] Hhhhhj
32,965 46% 619
Izvoshra_ShiroMk98 [K-N-D] safqwr
2,004 43% 618
Reparableuser48 [USPG] reaper
7,209 47% 611
Lautixx777pro [FAULK] Muchachos Peronistas
3,619 47% 603
elvis_mendez_ramirez [DIVAS] Coleccionistaz10
4,853 44% 599
Clark101 [T-NT] clark101
15,568 46% 595
carlursgame [YOGUR] Soviet Union!
4,910 45% 593
Prezes [H_PL] Prezes
116,641 46% 592
Killer_Biker_71 [E-WAR] ElderWarriors
24,736 47% 587
kamerr [-VK-] -VK-
1,583 45% 587
XninjahawkX [WARHK] Warhawks Rule
12,103 44% 586
OmegaTN [SCAAR] Déjameganarxd
23,502 46% 584
Ricardo_Brasil [C0BR4] 6 Estepes sextou
27,824 45% 571
RamiroDici [MDG10] Dichis
6,730 43% 570
VenenoREX ­­­­­­
4,123 46% 561
Stormtrooper4_sniper [T_R_R] reapers
36,030 46% 555
8,826 44% 554
11,600 45% 553
denniscanning [25CDN] BALD_BEAVER_HUNTER
52,285 46% 551
chiky1976 [G_EX] IPOST
13,157 46% 549
mrob50 [ROLLS] DieToday?
39,404 44% 545
Texas2step76107 [DOTE_] Stagereverend
1,085 40% 537
makyr2 [APG] apg2v2
49,211 46% 529
HurricaneRory [_1ST_] Eruption
80,796 45% 516
32,271 47% 512
Itz_Gunter [CAZGN] Déjameganarxd
6,480 46% 501
SpewyALLStar [7THST] TheConspiracy
20,501 46% 499
26,870 45% 477
Stagereverend Stagereverend
19,743 46% 469
piratte [QC-ML] piratte
13,049 46% 463
mmislam2 [-GTF-] _XOR_
15,767 45% 450
FerAsc1928 [G_EX] Alexis
10,271 45% 424
Gelorios ACAB
1,564 47% 393
wezz73 [QC-ML] piratte
3,804 44% 374
electrodynamice [-HOPE] lil wheelys incoming
598 41% 340
Alestorm_2 [R3ADY] El manco
460 45% 336
artificialfolk [LEEX] LEEX 6
4,303 42% 335
Midnighthavoc72 Ghost Division
737 42% 333
Ulises_Salazar ALV-
2,517 45% 320
junkpilebound [APG] apg2v2
23,007 44% 312
piedra08 [LUR] 1er Batallion US
13,573 45% 311
kelton_defreece [JMLB] TAET
6,703 43% 256
Reshiram20007 tier6
2,415 44% 256
darkfinder25 [TAET] TAET
15,239 44% 188
Total: 397

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