Tournament - 1v1: Tanks After Dark

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: June 19, 2020; Accepted Teams: 1056 (Total: 1083)
Map: Steppes
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: June 19, 2020
Average WN8: 1,391
Total: 1,056
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
MegaMaxs [RS] Red Soviet Sky
21,385 60% 2,431
__Fabrizium_____________ [N0M0D] [-C-O-N-E-S-]
6,468 56% 2,431
Empathetion [NFCF] aliejfa
1,058 55% 2,429
Herr_Mangat [RDDT6] Join RDDT6 or RDDTX
24,708 58% 2,426
RoyalGreenPC [YOUJO] The last tank bender
25,363 56% 2,419
fishygamer717 [RELIC] Ran out of Premium
7,409 57% 2,394
LAVON_777_ [HACK1] LAVON_777_
2,811 56% 2,393
Goldflag [YOUJO] rockets
18,494 54% 2,389
DestroyAry_08 [6_6_6] Pending Aproval
11,117 58% 2,386
RulerMaus [NAVI] ffffffffffffffffffff
33,929 56% 2,380
AngryBaboon [N0M0D] Abacaxi
35,185 56% 2,378
KKnispel [PL1AD] toro yolo
80,719 60% 2,377
Eason_Ni [-NGA-] 12222
30,382 58% 2,364
14,316 57% 2,361
Russian_Rasputin [YOUJO] Russian Ras
28,031 55% 2,361
Malassombro [N0M0D] lIlIlIlIlIlIlIlIlIlI
37,342 56% 2,335
_Nebz [LOWJO] Gruppe 6
20,478 60% 2,321
20,594 57% 2,320
__AngelOfDeath__ Angel Of Death
51,070 57% 2,317
Moose360 [-HTK-] Moose360
1,520 57% 2,304
CyberSquat [T_K_O] FlankNspank
25,254 57% 2,300
El_Luchon_De_L4ST_0_0ll [LLA] ____F
24,735 55% 2,299
__Chadly__ [VILIN] GGGG
18,175 54% 2,290
BlueFlyDigger [-NGA-] digga
8,770 58% 2,288
Rubber_Tooth_WoT [RDDT] Free Win for you
12,834 57% 2,286
imakeyougoboom [PIXL-] Boomboomboom
17,621 57% 2,284
Jelly_Boom [VILIN] Jelly
23,570 57% 2,274
lsland [CLAWS] NotshowingUp
56,955 57% 2,272
_verminator_ Microsoft Word
33,070 58% 2,268
pinguileo [X-7] xddddddd
35,272 54% 2,265
AlejitoCoL [LLA] Alejito
33,341 57% 2,255
SparklingSloth [WONKA] ‎‎‎‎‎
1,668 56% 2,253
_Resilient_ [XO] _Resilient_
25,527 55% 2,253
Sentrie [YOUJO] Lozard
18,310 56% 2,253
8_T_1 [DREAM] eat fish
13,726 59% 2,251
BlackSwan [TRY] asdasda
44,123 55% 2,250
WindGhost97 [LLA] WindG
35,684 54% 2,246
power_Donky [HAVOK] Anuel AA
28,906 55% 2,243
_Quetzal [SNPAI] Lana's Rhoadent #1
28,534 58% 2,242
__Quetzal [SNPAI] Lana's Rhoadent
8,169 56% 2,239
Ferret10 [PCKLE] 5555
19,004 55% 2,222
Narwhal_V [RELIC] uh oh
19,126 55% 2,220
31,590 55% 2,220
9,850 54% 2,220
Tundra_Wookiez [4ORCE] Furries
29,535 55% 2,219
thewitchdoctor_1 [VILIN] VILINSHITTERS
19,480 58% 2,219
FlandrexCirno [-MOE-] Remilia daisuki!!
19,524 58% 2,218
22,928 55% 2,206
Johanrave [G0LDN] ­­­­
25,004 53% 2,205
_Wretch_ [4ORCE] Wretched
5,015 55% 2,204
Total: 1,056

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