Tournament - 2v2: Weekday Scuffle

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: May 22, 2020; Accepted Teams: 375 (Total: 463)
Map: Redshire
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: May 22, 2020
Average WN8: 1,292
Total: 754
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
kabug2 [FORTH] Buluc Chabtan
18,557 50% 1,212
Reythag SocialDistance
7,796 49% 1,212
Jedrabagamex [YOGUR] Red Army☭
8,005 47% 1,211
klp0616 [QUAKD] yoohoo
12,449 50% 1,209
santiworld [-ACA-] Mantecol
4,225 48% 1,208
___Tomate_chikito____ [R-7] tiktoker
14,727 48% 1,206
estiven_500 [-NCP-] Blessed
23,729 49% 1,206
Cachorro_Morto [S3ALS] Abcd
16,926 48% 1,201
TayronKing [-HTK-] -HTK-
12,579 49% 1,200
jfismael [-ECU-] Skorpions
40,836 49% 1,199
Bizzycuz [NUCLR] join me!
6,098 50% 1,198
cronicrebel [XSSX] See me rolling
24,747 50% 1,196
tonnka [TBR13] HeartKa
36,099 49% 1,196
liderMTL19 [COWS-] Arkham Asylum
21,039 49% 1,194
arteza0 [C-O-A] ͔͔͔͔͔
25,080 49% 1,194
kashim_hunter [WE3D] nosotros
65,572 50% 1,191
TDC_Dcpegas [_ONU_] _TDC
14,868 50% 1,187
MasterTree [O-VER] 东风快递 使命必达
15,182 49% 1,186
18,446 53% 1,186
Sergio_Quevedo [LCR] manuela feroz
14,104 49% 1,185
iMushroomhead [DNGR] Doom Platoon
17,875 50% 1,185
karlangas94 [CHILE] cuidado con el trolo
32,864 50% 1,184
Raptor_Rick [-REM-] Fives for Lives
21,512 50% 1,182
Kungpowcharlie [_TLM_] ESCTJ
8,756 50% 1,181
34,993 48% 1,176
Wolf19943 [BOUJ] See me rolling
12,906 50% 1,176
jeremaya1 Inquebrantables
19,227 49% 1,172
Sir_Syan [-IKR-] Good Luck
23,409 48% 1,172
marouam0 [QC-ML] Team QC-ML
9,127 50% 1,171
Juan239 Blessed
11,336 49% 1,169
pepillofr9 [LOS22] Pompella
22,352 50% 1,168
ShniftyBalls [_TLM_] ESCTJ
22,414 50% 1,167
mariom_31 [F-D-M] Hermetica4
41,680 50% 1,164
andymri [WOTLA] pollos asesinos
19,936 49% 1,164
lilsig [CDEV] CDEV5
5,709 53% 1,163
Ramirou [_UA_] _UA_ Never Die
22,391 50% 1,163
rad7911 [__RS_] _RS_
75,182 49% 1,163
kuorishinigami [PZMAF] Shini
35,997 50% 1,156
_DEUS_DA_GUERRA [P-N] Senta a pua
3,527 49% 1,156
memichael1 cheese gromit
9,353 50% 1,155
ArticulateTermite [PZB] FailboatCaptain
57,117 51% 1,150
goodfunman [ALARI] For Us, The Living
58,512 50% 1,149
Gabrineithor111 [B-D-W] md brasil
6,122 49% 1,149
hell_mine [TANG] Rice
21,833 50% 1,149
ergo69 PROTEAM
14,887 49% 1,148
tankdestroyer_169 [-CBL-] expired milk
15,572 50% 1,148
1,506 47% 1,146
Mongols_1 [-G-B] Mongols_1
72,571 49% 1,144
SgtRock52 [-ETU-] WE WILL WIN
26,519 49% 1,143
Ger_Militz [3-FPS] Abcd
9,854 49% 1,142
Total: 754

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