Tournament - Call to Arms #8

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: January 28, 2020; Accepted Teams: 69 (Total: 101)
Map: Widepark
Battle Mode: Standard battle
Start: January 28, 2020
Average WN8: 1,582
Total: 1,572
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
manjeep [_BK_] Bad Karma
19,622 46% 461
fred_2040 [LOS22] locos INVASORES
19,407 45% 455
Badlands_TE [IKU] IKU1
23,834 46% 452
13,774 43% 451
16,437 46% 441
pro_655 [H-E-A] HEA X
3,686 47% 427
bunnyhunting4fun [LMB] fido
29,650 44% 407
elinmortal_84 [UWS] UWS MANCOS AL ATAQUE
13,572 45% 390
dbatten811 [6-ACR] 6thacr
26,143 43% 386
anthonyedrington [LMB] fido
4,845 44% 381
Bill_439 [LMB] fido
41,752 44% 361
yanten27 [C0TAB] cotab
7,760 46% 359
Hudsen [_BK_] Bad Karma
8,716 44% 357
Big_Country79 [LMB] fido
18,503 43% 355
HulkChoke [_BK_] Bad Karma
8,240 43% 336
Punkysher [LOS22] locos INVASORES
2,719 44% 334
davidelproaso111 [LOS22] locos INVASORES
783 44% 332
She_Devil_1 [_BK_] Bad Karma
9,599 42% 321
eagleblade7111 [TAP] Tap-em
9,920 44% 320
Sygogglen [HARM] Save Me From Spurgs
2,781 42% 245
Megapuma [LOS22] locos INVASORES
882 44% 178
CAIBIL_fighter [LOS22] locos INVASORES
3,354 39% 104
Total: 1,572

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