Tournament - 3v3: South American Open

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: January 11, 2020; Accepted Teams: 107 (Total: 138)
Map: Murovanka
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: January 11, 2020
Average WN8: 1,877
Total: 322
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
Race_Master [GGNKR] GGNKR
5,355 50% 423
warrior_215 [UWS] presenta a tu prima
8,114 49% 415
antoniom_GT [FINES] SEA Monkeys
8,086 50% 408
Capit_Pimentel [RIGS] Rouxinol Team
5,949 48% 407
nasu2013 [KOZAK] Fulger
14,535 55% 404
Dakimakura [SNPAI] WG PLZ Impeach Arty
4,015 60% 384
____BAXWAR____ [X13] trooper 4
11,680 46% 380
TheMasterGamer1492 [E-X] LADIDADIDA
2,698 50% 379
MONK____ [FOCUS] Mad Lads
20,794 54% 378
Creondai [CREBR] deixa ah gente ganha
14,599 46% 344
_Mendes_ [BABL] Batalhão D Blindados
16,430 50% 341
Piqnes [LOKUS] Rouxinol Team
7,256 44% 310
Cristian_David_Ramos [MAX-2] FlautistaH
6,743 44% 304
Indoorwinner2 [DRK] Dark
6,769 59% 263
rdsilva82 [1VETS] Buenos Aires
3,686 48% 252
V0dK4_RedFoxLove [TANAR] FlautistaH
4,644 47% 232
VidaLokaGamer_1 [CREBR] JucaBala123_invader
6,559 49% 229
Proz_cL [H-E-A] H-E-A BY: PROZ
4,731 49% 229
Liulfr_11 [BRIG] TNNT
16,441 45% 215
Tank_Man_2017 [A_P] 703 II (122)
9,193 44% 172
peanut_tindall Buenos Aires
0 0% 0
Dr_Ricochet [MAD-] 3 inadaptados
1,232 53% 0
Total: 322

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