Tournament - 1v1: Tanks After Dark

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: November 22, 2019; Accepted Teams: 602 (Total: 621)
Map: Mines
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: November 22, 2019
Average WN8: 1,270
Total: 602
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
Halalfalo [HUNK] (HUN)
19,976 51% 1,282
FavianGaboDeeJay H.D.P
49,545 50% 1,282
KroXer77 [BTQ] admin
13,244 50% 1,281
desertman1977 [IXGD] Mississauga guy
42,676 50% 1,277
Zipahead [GST] zipper
17,542 51% 1,277
Cristobal_alvarado [PROF] /////////////
21,022 52% 1,276
29,301 49% 1,274
Dark_titan01 [_M3_] InTheDarkness
20,896 50% 1,268
deovin [WE3D] lonerider
102,537 51% 1,267
BallinBullet [_SL_] scarlet hope
26,837 52% 1,267
70,283 50% 1,266
sergio567890 mancopro
31,071 49% 1,262
Ciberdyne [S-A-R] Skynet
19,531 51% 1,257
willdan YULIWILL
68,748 49% 1,256
Reneee2605 [DEMSY] w E a
9,744 50% 1,254
adrianfire13 [-NCP-] samantaxxx@
52,539 50% 1,253
SoloBrit [HARMZ] Carry on.
25,514 50% 1,242
Pahpabear121overlord_jm [F__R] MEME
10,150 50% 1,241
Casamancos [_M3_] Electric
50,628 48% 1,241
MrSinns Mr.Sinns
56,113 49% 1,241
Davidpdp [B34RS] BIAS
10,204 50% 1,241
genesis_118 [R-7] onii-chan daisuki
30,535 50% 1,239
punishertanks [WE3D] omg_lol
53,347 50% 1,239
SunHead [CWS] xatuba
8,498 51% 1,239
Mongolia_Tanker tanker
36,792 49% 1,238
0peace SayHi2YourMom4Me
1,929 57% 1,234
marvaz [_B-Z_] el viejo
74,078 50% 1,233
Phil_Can [HARMZ] 1v1.
51,020 51% 1,230
PigDogg [_DFR_] PoopSnack
34,275 52% 1,230
Alpha_Tatter [RA4] Moita
17,951 51% 1,226
freekill226 [CWS] FREE
15,478 50% 1,225
fortycent east coasthali
20,663 51% 1,222
Shiningduke139 [IN-WO] NDEAH!!
7,793 51% 1,222
lucas_aaron Y eña?
7,453 51% 1,216
Richtofen__ [YOGUR] DMATP
22,575 50% 1,214
13,634 49% 1,209
74,663 50% 1,209
kvbron [C-O-A] C-O-A
24,141 51% 1,199
gazadog [CLASD] GAZA
12,400 50% 1,189
soylordsith [COWS-] vamos con fuerza
19,522 50% 1,187
Creep_Ace MILITA
20,682 51% 1,186
chanfle [R-7] Dejame ganar...
28,810 49% 1,177
Louison_Bobet_B [BYOT] Lou - BYOT
56,746 50% 1,173
79,323 49% 1,171
52,678 48% 1,171
IceEarthGuard [D_S_F] Icy Path To Victory!
21,767 51% 1,170
31,963 50% 1,169
Neon_Gamer Gaz_jude_4_fun
17,394 50% 1,169
tankitytanktank3 [BTU-A] ttt3
63,558 49% 1,168
cool_Dariusz [H_PL] cools
137,329 50% 1,160
Total: 602

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