Tournament - 1v1: Tanks After Dark

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: November 15, 2019; Accepted Teams: 678 (Total: 692)
Map: Ensk
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: November 15, 2019
Average WN8: 1,316
Total: 678
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
Sadra_Sa [PARS] good team aaa
9,243 46% 472
LEOBR22 [GOFD] lobootteam
65,150 45% 465
teamdark1982 [T-WO] Buko no pico
18,356 45% 451
kennyvelazo [-CLU-] EnterTeamName
19,121 45% 442
Stagereverend Stagereverend
16,692 46% 435
masterdod [QNN] Barbu
12,044 45% 435
pkel [HARMZ] Pkel-C137
5,973 44% 424
AlephBax [MASK] AlephOne
37,001 45% 418
Vahid_Padad [PARS] Dragon4
13,380 45% 417
csim_moroni [-B-M-] jafara
6,748 46% 416
matacangry [UWS] lebrechaun
14,640 46% 405
72,977 46% 394
PrincessOfDarkness26 [SEGA] PoD26
9,388 44% 386
Araneam [MOT] Aranha
24,822 46% 385
CarlosKuro [-ACA-] aloha
13,774 44% 385
eugeniomedori [14K] Vzla Libre
11,970 45% 348
Stormtrooper4_sniper [T_R_R] Palerider44
19,821 45% 346
elinmortal_84 [UWS] TORTUJITA_84
11,982 45% 332
2,251 41% 328
OLIMPO2018 [LEEX] olimpoba
9,345 44% 309
audios_2018 [MICKS] I will not be here
6,440 43% 291
38,570 45% 285
she_dragon [UTRIP] dragonated
35,012 45% 278
elcuervo1 [F3NIX] red point
39,849 44% 256
jamesmartinez_2005 [TKB2] MEGAMATANZA2.10
20,850 45% 251
sairola gggggg
747 46% 219
18,588 43% 158
Voicedude House Of Snark
7,835 43% 106
Total: 678

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