Tournament - 1v1: Weekday Scuffle

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: September 27, 2019; Accepted Teams: 828 (Total: 849)
Map: Murovanka
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: September 27, 2019
Average WN8: 1,367
Total: 828
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
Vortev [CZ4R] Joblo
7,351 52% 1,758
Der_Generalfeldmarschall [S-A-R] Der_General
39,885 53% 1,757
Apex_Predator_o7 [CLAWS] Apex
22,436 52% 1,752
IcedTeaWithNoIce [RDDT] ProbablyAFK
34,709 53% 1,750
The_GreatOne [LOAD] werwerwerwe
43,293 52% 1,747
Tete_pas_de_Poule [WN] Area51
81,098 55% 1,746
Yoosh [HEATT] Yoosh
17,697 52% 1,731
kking22 [PROF] PROF
14,515 52% 1,729
LegendRock [BITSA] legs
16,060 53% 1,725
iWrangleSenpais [SNPAI] Notice Me Senpai
16,142 54% 1,724
Thakeitall [TEACH] RedTomato
20,685 53% 1,719
banban68 [S-A-R] cuy hunter
65,158 52% 1,716
El__Sanx Plz be gentle
30,059 53% 1,713
milqui [S-A-R] Mew Zakuro
26,262 53% 1,707
voss99 [BOND] xcdsgfdsgdfg
21,217 53% 1,702
20,067 52% 1,700
CrinZin [RDDT] Snapdragon
28,555 52% 1,697
Pressdforsex [PROF] Paugg
1,404 54% 1,694
KaBlewy [PHASE] Take This L
26,271 54% 1,693
Sniper_Doombringer2000 [H2O] imnotshowinupuwin
15,662 53% 1,692
G_A_V_I_A_O [RAIZ] KinGCotocO
17,409 53% 1,692
klonix [BAC] mi self
14,332 53% 1,691
IzXdarkXzI [O-66] lordsssss
35,702 52% 1,689
Maxidawg777 [ALERT] MuroMuro
21,134 54% 1,688
N4jdovski [S-A-B] Jebać
24,885 52% 1,687
ignacio2107 [GOTAR] ignacio
37,259 51% 1,687
Ramon_105 [RES3T] 105_
70,829 52% 1,683
DanielDestroyer1 [PROF] playrtiyejsbncbajabg
10,989 52% 1,680
ElPadrino100 [S-A-R] Llama sensual
32,963 53% 1,674
El_Arriero__ [WILDH] recupera3
74,789 51% 1,671
MasterBlack101 [RGJ] Kaido
16,859 56% 1,670
XxGhostAlonexX The End
18,140 52% 1,670
rugert [PROF] Cazador
32,483 56% 1,669
Senpai_Of_Compton [8BITS] SenpaiGOD
14,755 53% 1,669
MoonHwaRyu Undertaker
14,906 53% 1,656
yeyito28 [S-A-R] NOFAKE
18,148 53% 1,655
Katoryx [PUBBY] bruh
14,842 54% 1,654
Christian_RS [EX-BR] Christian_RS
15,753 52% 1,650
_Singularity_ _UwU_
14,430 52% 1,650
roman1308 soyus111
41,332 51% 1,643
FrancoCappe [_M3_] MeLaPiso
33,506 52% 1,642
cardoso347 [RAIZ] Ziriguidum
17,159 51% 1,640
Jeck89 [IXGD] greenteam
50,136 52% 1,638
Don_nach [PROF] EL SUTRO
5,722 53% 1,638
Zuconis [RES3T] EU!!
39,136 50% 1,637
sylvezz [JMSQC] sylvezz
14,111 53% 1,637
63,945 53% 1,629
MeMeBigBoi [E-50M] F0rtN1t3
36,136 53% 1,627
8gt [MAD-] Agents of Fortune
41,217 53% 1,626
Heatrix [DEMSY] Eagle
35,357 51% 1,626
Total: 828

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