Tournament - 1v1: Friday Night Fights

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: August 30, 2019; Accepted Teams: 946 (Total: 967)
Map: El Halluf
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: August 30, 2019
Average WN8: 1,351
Total: 946
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
eck013 [COWS-] Foxtrot 25
16,929 47% 580
Cremhus [UWS] River Plate
14,638 47% 566
Aristides_R_Rafael [UP-NA] [UP-NA]
19,443 47% 562
6,145 46% 561
emile_lars231 [TKB2] ACZINO
7,877 46% 561
tirae [BATAN] mamima
19,732 46% 549
Leandro_Pio [CPF] Guarani das Missões
23,643 47% 548
Pantera86555 [UP-NA] pantera knup
43,687 46% 546
tiggerrrr TIGG
31,224 46% 543
mdmac622 [RAIDM] 2swords
25,141 46% 542
Thunderbolt_A10 [1-DBB] 1-DBB thunderbolt_10
9,184 45% 541
Fayzk_X [GOFD] Mercenários
17,355 46% 539
charlemaign [DD-S] Project Charles
30,492 47% 521
ironman96 [M_M_E] M-M-E
42,628 45% 516
EDD2099 [LMB] eddy
35,222 44% 508
Raadamantys [BRANK] rada
32,433 45% 497
mrsireass Ass HoleThe
78,886 46% 491
tuaregue [ANACO] TUGLife
55,217 45% 474
LEOBR22 [GOFD] rock est lobo
64,235 45% 463
Acnavila_058 [BBLD] IAT 058
3,056 43% 460
mrob50 [ROLLS] DieToday?
34,649 43% 455
Mysticblues [THC-1] Mystic
18,089 45% 452
geo2_1 [_TLM_] King_Geo
36,052 46% 447
iAmJosuePapu The end
11,826 45% 444
heinzy723 [HOR] Beinbruch
26,778 45% 440
Leamar [D-HY] Dorrego
27,046 46% 440
masterdod [QNN] dfhs
11,862 45% 432
petethefleet [25CDN] Midnight Smoker
13,953 45% 411
15,120 45% 400
ficti00n [IA-BR] FICTI00N
14,017 46% 399
pkel [HARMZ] pKEL-C137
5,688 44% 398
matacangry [UWS] Deus lo vult
13,531 46% 387
Vahid_Padad [PARS] Dragon
12,235 45% 382
ironstopper1 [R_A_T] panzer fuker
11,142 44% 351
DOXTENN Anarquia
6,507 43% 336
Bill_439 [LMB] Quad Squad
37,144 44% 330
Markus_601 [B34RS] lobo
2,137 43% 306
eugeniomedori [14K] Vzla Libre
10,271 45% 306
37,126 45% 284
loquitos_2016 [O-66] Hagakure
5,699 43% 255
jamesmartinez_2005 [TKB2] MEGAMATANZA2.10
19,955 45% 243
sairola ilpadrino
747 46% 219
18,298 43% 157
Lucy1368 [S_D_C] S_D_C
10,764 40% 78
Player_6020842225 Terror dos mares
0 0% 0
SilenceIreportYou adasd
0 0% 0
Total: 946

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