Tournament - 1v1: Friday Night Fights

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: August 02, 2019; Accepted Teams: 973 (Total: 997)
Map: Erlenberg
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: August 02, 2019
Average WN8: 1,341
Total: 973
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
Malassombro [8BITS] ALONEs
32,310 55% 2,095
mclane1755 [STAKD] mclane1755
28,671 54% 2,091
Nachoo_2345 [REL-X] abduzcan
12,998 54% 2,086
6,355 55% 2,084
InfiniteSingularity [FNWG] ToraDoraDora!
49,212 54% 2,083
Memes_R_Us [QUACK] map is dumb
20,579 55% 2,079
Black1897 [X-7] Onichan-baka
21,745 55% 2,078
WindGhost97 [LLA] Wind of change
31,570 53% 2,068
33,355 53% 2,063
_Scorphiion_ [CHILE] picopalquelee
8,681 52% 2,060
pesadelo_2014 [V1SA] HILSON
28,308 54% 2,049
10,247 55% 2,044
_______FrankCAstle [LLA] The Punisher
16,696 53% 2,034
XxXLaserXxX [OTTER] Agaragã
18,614 54% 2,020
Basiura [WILDH] Basiu
32,746 55% 2,020
Guarantee [-ZOO-] Guarantee
15,443 54% 2,013
Visions_ [LOAD] Visions_
33,002 53% 2,009
XxBaconMuncherXx [TAC-D] Bacon_
12,983 57% 2,004
Tiger_SOBR [KOZAK] Alpha
61,262 58% 2,001
ShadowZero4 [BRANK] 8000 K
23,673 54% 1,992
stuffy0520 [TEACH] TEACH
15,789 54% 1,990
Destemido [FOCUS] Focus
41,517 53% 1,988
Nastking [WILDH] -_-nast-_-
31,656 54% 1,985
N4cheT3 [LLA] Yaneth Miranda
28,238 54% 1,983
707_horsepower [CZ4R] oof lol
24,354 54% 1,976
apsen Fata Morgana
138,394 56% 1,965
Diogo_Vasco [IA-BR] Ia-br2
9,004 53% 1,964
Petru_92 [X-7] Lero lero
19,916 53% 1,964
M0Z0V0 [V1SA] ....
19,082 55% 1,959
Pending_NyoomNyoom_Wow [E-50M] creative
28,368 53% 1,958
9,888 59% 1,943
gerardozarc [X-7] 4everalone
8,195 54% 1,942
34,563 54% 1,942
argsarge [WE3D] AcaToy
1,513 52% 1,940
spacekatsferlyfe [VENUM] Superpacekats
12,545 55% 1,939
Match86 [HUSLN] Little Rascals
18,915 56% 1,931
_MickMouse_ [WILDH] OPOPO
35,091 55% 1,931
Su_Metal_ metal
26,140 53% 1,931
Joe21599 [INTEL] NeedGold4PremTime
27,625 54% 1,929
SandMan287 [BETAS] sand in your EYES
38,673 53% 1,922
Frontline_Legend_theruev [5HTTR] aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
24,822 55% 1,922
_Tyrant_Hydralisk_ [LYB] PUPPYPUPPYPUPPY
19,302 55% 1,919
58,458 53% 1,919
36,492 52% 1,917
__WarChild__ [OPIC] ChinChilla
30,159 56% 1,910
Byracki Sir Lose-A-Lot
32,830 54% 1,909
GalletaPOWA [LLA] lalkdkad
16,678 53% 1,901
4FREE_ [4FREE] 4free
40,194 57% 1,899
26,805 54% 1,897
22,158 55% 1,895
Total: 973

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