Weekday Warfare 44

Team ola k ase

Gosu Maps  |   WG Team page
Winrate: 57%
Draws/Losses 43%
Games played: 35
Points Earned: 60 / 105 (57%)
Group Stage Rank


Monday November 16, 2015 Show/Hide Group Standings
06:30pm VZLA McFly
  0 : 2
Arctic Region
  ola k ase
06:40pm Os Excluidos
  0 : 2
Arctic Region
  ola k ase
06:50pm ola k ase
  1 : 2
Arctic Region
  Ravenous Renegades (...
07:00pm ola k ase
  1 : 2
Arctic Region
  7 Lucky Barons
07:10pm ola k ase
  1 : 2
Arctic Region
07:30pm X-0-X
  0 : 2
Arctic Region
  ola k ase
Tuesday November 17, 2015 Show/Hide Group Standings
06:40pm Kenji
  1 : 2
Arctic Region
  ola k ase
06:50pm Ravenous Renegades (...
  0 : 2
Arctic Region
  ola k ase
07:00pm The Good the Bad and...
  0 : 2
Arctic Region
  ola k ase
07:10pm ola k ase
  0 : 2
Arctic Region
  Cait's Killers
07:20pm ola k ase
  1 : 2
Arctic Region
  Mancos al Combate - ...
07:30pm ola k ase
  1 : 2
Arctic Region
  7 Lucky Barons
Wednesday November 18, 2015 Show/Hide Group Standings
06:30pm coffee to go
  1 : 2
Arctic Region
  ola k ase
06:40pm ola k ase
  0 : 2
Arctic Region
  Bear Huggers
06:50pm ola k ase
  0 : 2
Arctic Region
  Ping 999
07:00pm ola k ase
  1 : 2
Arctic Region
  Roll the Dice
  0 : 2
Arctic Region
  ola k ase
07:30pm Bolas de Acero
  0 : 2
Arctic Region
  ola k ase
Thursday November 19, 2015 Show/Hide Group Standings
06:30pm Y u kemp bush?
  1 : 2
Arctic Region
  ola k ase
06:40pm Ping 999
  1 : 2
Arctic Region
  ola k ase
06:50pm Kenji
  1 : 2
Arctic Region
  ola k ase
07:00pm HAVOK
  1 : 2
Arctic Region
  ola k ase
07:10pm ola k ase
  1 : 2
Arctic Region
  Happy Little Acciden...
07:20pm ola k ase
  0 : 2
Arctic Region
07:30pm ola k ase
  0 : 2
Arctic Region
  Bear Huggers
07:40pm ola k ase
  0 : 2
Arctic Region
  Celine Dion Death Sq...
Friday November 20, 2015 Show/Hide Group Standings
06:30pm Wot trolls
  0 : 2
Arctic Region
  ola k ase
06:40pm Happy Little Acciden...
  0 : 2
Arctic Region
  ola k ase
06:50pm Copious Discharge
  1 : 2
Arctic Region
  ola k ase
07:00pm ola k ase
  1 : 2
Arctic Region
  Bear Huggers
07:10pm ola k ase
  1 : 2
Arctic Region
  Celine Dion Death Sq...
07:20pm ola k ase
  1 : 2
Arctic Region
  Y u kemp bush?
07:30pm ola k ase
  0 : 2
Arctic Region
  Ping 999
07:40pm ola k ase
  1 : 2
Arctic Region
07:50pm Team Waffles
  1 : 2
Arctic Region
  ola k ase
Player WN8
ARG96 [OP227]
WR: 47.65% of 25,945
martinpepa [OP227]
WR: 49.02% of 25,449
_necro_ [OP227]
WR: 50.7% of 19,051
samkaiser13 [OP227]
WR: 49.72% of 13,961
Brunete_778 [OP227]
WR: 49.38% of 15,467
Lucas2103 [OP227]
WR: 48.68% of 26,986
jeankkk [OP227]
WR: 47.91% of 13,996
7 Players
Average WR: 49.01% of 20,122
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