Alley of Fame

Event: The Third Stage
Players: 15
Updated: May 18, 2024 @ 7:07 pm
Total: 15
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Rank Nick Name Fame points Battles rewards
2,466 _GregStell [MAHOU] 7,798 0 camouflages
4,144 chaostrigger [GST] 2,223 0 camouflages
4,507 rompan1 [GST] 1,777 0 camouflages
4,969 MANinthe [GST] 1,347 0 camouflages
5,133 AngelOfDeath64 [GST] 1,223 0
5,545 sudbury1 [GST] 934 0
6,202 Trace_fighter [GST] 629 0
6,489 devwan693 [GST] 542 0
6,925 SnagsTS [ORYX] 446 17
7,209 bergsteiger [DHO4] 391 0
8,518 Pingster [REBEL] 214 10
8,634 Turk1966 [GST] 204 0
10,765 Stiffler369 [GST] 79 0
11,390 FlamingStEvO2803 [HAFR] 63 2
13,179 SonOfCrangster 9 0
Total: 15
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