Alley of Fame

Event: The Third Stage
Players: 13
Updated: May 18, 2024 @ 7:07 pm
Total: 13
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Rank Nick Name Fame points Battles rewards
1,258 AOT [4HIM3] 11,459 0 camouflages
1,621 SW1_SCW [4HIM3] 10,878 0 camouflages
2,411 _shamgar [4HIM3] 8,178 0 camouflages
5,361 daglafe [4HIM3] 1,047 0
6,389 Grethell [4HIM3] 570 0
6,481 Morpheous [4HIM3] 543 0
7,539 job308 [4HIM3] 331 0
7,830 clp71220 [4HIM3] 290 0
8,080 MT44 [4HIM3] 258 0
8,474 zazel [4HIM3] 218 0
10,214 pikachu12 [4HIM3] 96 0
12,308 LostSignal [4HIM3] 19 0
12,784 ROBC607 [4HIM3] 12 0
Total: 13
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