Alley of Fame

Event: The Third Stage
Players: 7
Updated: May 18, 2024 @ 7:07 pm
Total: 7
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Rank Nick Name Fame points Battles rewards
2,992 Cheynnon [1ATB] 4,994 0 camouflages
3,048 WarningBr [1ATB] 4,707 93 camouflages
3,088 iLovelyAndoStar [1ATB] 4,580 89 camouflages
3,687 esderaX [1ATB] 2,984 66 camouflages
3,912 joaocunha [1ATB] 2,544 0 camouflages
4,392 mutante_8 [1ATB] 1,893 27 camouflages
6,591 victorhugobr5 [1ATB] 516 0
Total: 7
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