World of Tanks Players Stats

Average WN8
Recent WN8
Average Win Rate
Average Battles
Total Battles
Total: 78,196
Nick Name Battles Win Rate WN8 Recent Win Rate Recent WN8 Last Battle
Hunting_the_Hunter 16,467 47% 905 47% 905 June 25, 2024 @ 11:02 pm
Leafbinder 11,690 49% 905 49% 905 May 14, 2015 @ 10:18 pm
WOTota [GOTLA] 28,884 47% 905 48% 313 July 01, 2024 @ 11:49 pm
m3rklostaplier [GLONK] 22,590 50% 905 51% 258 April 07, 2024 @ 11:26 pm
Holtzym [_MAD_] 14,499 52% 905 52% 905 May 23, 2024 @ 2:55 pm
Golfmay [GMDT] 78,574 49% 905 47% 656 December 05, 2023 @ 10:18 pm
animalflh [MERCN] 47,121 46% 905 46% 523 July 04, 2024 @ 2:43 pm
Shuttlebunny 17,398 47% 905 47% 905 January 16, 2023 @ 5:00 pm
Roddy_McRizzle2 [HYPNO] 5,045 46% 905 48% 1,017 June 23, 2024 @ 7:50 pm
BotSnow [SH33P] 11,810 49% 905 49% 905 January 07, 2024 @ 11:16 pm
bryannph 15,663 48% 905 48% 905 February 18, 2019 @ 2:26 pm
boughtandsold 136,239 50% 905 53% 1,429 November 05, 2023 @ 6:02 am
Muted_Is_TUFF 6,690 51% 905 51% 905 February 18, 2022 @ 6:02 pm
RenamedUser_1014338123 12,431 46% 905 47% 427 September 15, 2023 @ 3:46 pm
Kininski [-OPS-] 35,437 48% 905 42% 1,275 June 30, 2024 @ 12:03 am
xbox_your_tank [W1CKD] 8,724 48% 905 48% 905 June 02, 2024 @ 4:51 pm
_tankslayer [LWF] 16,941 49% 905 49% 905 October 17, 2019 @ 7:46 pm
10Tickle [_P_P_] 12,886 49% 905 49% 905 July 22, 2018 @ 11:06 pm
HurtsDonut_32 [SW23] 36,682 49% 905 46% 890 June 28, 2024 @ 8:03 pm
Grizzly_24 6,866 49% 905 49% 905 June 27, 2016 @ 9:51 am
thespyeye [89MPH] 7,788 49% 905 49% 905 May 27, 2024 @ 9:15 pm
Dramise [TBR13] 71,762 46% 905 40% 419 July 03, 2024 @ 1:07 am
Kor_angrycicada [P4ND4] 9,534 48% 905 52% 14 April 11, 2024 @ 1:10 am
Zurashura [GME_] 7,858 49% 905 51% 1,445 May 30, 2024 @ 5:25 pm
spiff 16,493 49% 905 53% 1,728 June 08, 2024 @ 6:49 pm
Guardi4nofhope [GSOH] 8,670 48% 905 48% 905 May 26, 2024 @ 11:31 pm
lilchief123 8,208 49% 905 49% 905 March 15, 2020 @ 5:39 pm
BudZ71 [B-O-S] 39,824 44% 905 44% 905 January 17, 2022 @ 11:30 pm
IIHollowII 23,322 50% 905 50% 905 July 13, 2018 @ 12:49 pm
devil_mishal [SWAK] 12,681 49% 905 49% 905 December 30, 2023 @ 6:29 am
you_gota_love_skittles 5,557 49% 905 49% 905 March 25, 2023 @ 11:54 pm
Tuc8185 [NVRDY] 52,844 49% 905 49% 905 February 06, 2024 @ 8:46 pm
jv2477 10,444 48% 905 47% 1,062 September 15, 2022 @ 11:32 pm
dagrin3 10,795 48% 905 48% 905 September 12, 2023 @ 7:21 pm
Kazama_Ren 10,012 48% 905 50% 1,313 May 18, 2024 @ 11:15 pm
kaboom11233 6,844 48% 905 48% 905 March 28, 2020 @ 9:54 pm
pascal37 [QC-S] 23,904 48% 905 48% 1,424 February 20, 2024 @ 2:31 pm
amilcarber 7,985 48% 905 48% 905 September 26, 2019 @ 4:37 pm
renpiti 14,917 48% 905 48% 905 April 15, 2023 @ 9:17 pm
csporter28 [BDOT] 15,132 48% 905 48% 905 May 26, 2020 @ 12:40 am
assassin1848 [BLOE] 42,815 48% 905 46% 429 June 25, 2024 @ 7:02 pm
Jonathanwsn 8,597 49% 905 49% 905 February 18, 2024 @ 1:53 pm
SomethinAJ [-100-] 10,058 49% 905 49% 905 April 18, 2023 @ 7:35 pm
SgtWally [MS0B] 35,301 49% 905 50% 784 July 01, 2024 @ 11:19 am
LemonPeeler 11,192 51% 905 51% 1,138 November 15, 2020 @ 2:29 pm
KnifeKnut 14,305 49% 905 49% 905 January 04, 2016 @ 8:43 pm
SeanofTheWorld [KKSS] 7,759 48% 905 48% 905 May 13, 2024 @ 8:13 am
Foxy0920 [ELM0] 7,176 48% 905 48% 905 April 28, 2024 @ 8:26 pm
Aerece2 8,271 49% 905 49% 905 March 03, 2024 @ 4:43 pm
HeadlessChicken67 [MAM] 36,401 47% 905 47% 905 April 16, 2022 @ 3:22 pm
Total: 78,196

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