World of Tanks Clans Statistics

Total: 14,101
Clan Name Players Win Rate WN8 Battles
Calangos De Aço [CALS] 6 47% 604 59,553
Old Men Gaming [OLDMG] 1 49% 603 3,884
Entusiastas dos blindados Alemães , Japoneses e Italianos do EIXO [EIXO] 5 46% 603 47,044
NightRaven [NTRV] 3 45% 603 24,958
EBR105 [TIERX] 1 47% 602 3,283
Sons of Liberty [SOL1] 1 51% 602 282
Ásgard [WICCA] 1 48% 602 7,447
Hunters Of Xota [HOX] 2 47% 601 16,686
Furia Nocturna [F-NOC] 1 46% 601 22,879
Tin Coffins [TNCFN] 3 48% 601 14,553
Aussie [AUFTW] 1 48% 601 2,020
HAZMAT [HAZMT] 1 44% 601 33,437
The Blood Raven's Chapter [TBRC] 3 48% 601 30,478
(z-TheDemonsKillers-z) [TDMK] 1 47% 601 11,576
NightSin [SIN1] 1 47% 601 15,434
"Ghost Unit" [12200] 1 42% 600 5,722
Mechanized Mayhem [_MM_] 2 47% 600 15,024
M60A1 [M60A1] 1 46% 600 19,065
1st Battalion 1st Marines [1-1] 2 47% 599 69,597
Forças Armadas Exército Brasileiro [FAEB] 2 47% 599 32,431
Noobs Of Steel [N_O_S] 1 46% 598 4,073
9th Division Blindada [9TH] 1 44% 598 3,232
PERU [PERU_] 1 45% 598 4,818
Regular Joes [YOJOE] 1 45% 598 21,420
OnLineGamingHub [OGH] 2 44% 598 64,566
CheapBooks [CBKS] 2 48% 598 54,855
Ghost Company [G-CO] 2 47% 598 12,289
Legion Radioactiva [-_L_-] 1 48% 598 6,435
The Korean Tanking Force(TKTF) [K0REA] 1 46% 598 9,150
Alianza de Blindados Latinos [A-LAT] 2 47% 598 13,814
Trigger Happy Bunnies Inc. [-THB-] 3 47% 597 24,942
Sanity Not Found [404] 1 47% 597 36,015
The Ranch [RANCH] 2 53% 597 13,734
Comando KAKA [KAKA] 4 47% 597 56,905
Regimento de Combate Blindado Brasil 3 [RC3BR] 2 44% 596 2,820
North American Gamer [NAG] 2 49% 596 2,946
The Tree Server [ARBOR] 1 49% 596 2,162
PATRON 9 [VP-9] 12 32% 596 22,201
Texas Tank Busters [-TTB-] 1 48% 596 18,868
VulgerDisplayOfPower [V-DOP] 2 46% 596 46,278
QUÉBEC. CA (TABARNAK) [QUEBE] 1 46% 595 8,206
Blueberry Kitty Cuddles [BKC] 2 46% 595 8,682
The Guardians of Valhalla [VAHAL] 1 43% 594 2,518
HellHounds [H-H] 4 47% 594 69,668
1st Armored Cavalry Regiment [1ACR] 1 46% 594 7,349
506° Regimiento de Infantería Compañía Easy [MMMX] 4 46% 594 106,986
Skilled in Killing [-SIK-] 1 45% 594 18,789
Carbon Filament [FLMNT] 2 46% 594 5,523
DROP BEARS [DROP] 1 48% 594 3,393
Total: 14,101

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