World of Tanks Clans Statistics

Total: 14,458
Clan Name Players Win Rate WN8 Battles
14kill [14K] 12 47% 1,023 172,156
slanted and enchanted [PVMNT] 1 49% 1,023 18,528
Blue_Boar_Tankers [B-B-T] 51 49% 1,023 1,173,018
Thunder Furies [FURI] 1 44% 1,022 3,297
Dangerous on Point [DOP] 1 49% 1,022 6,899
10brigadeA [10BA] 1 49% 1,022 1,725
SMASH [HULK] 12 48% 1,022 367,374
506 Blindado [506TH] 1 50% 1,021 10,591
ForçasArmadasDoBrasil [_BR_] 2 49% 1,021 14,385
Duke Boys of Tanking [DBOT] 3 49% 1,021 82,571
Jumpy021s clan [JUMPY] 1 47% 1,020 17,703
Assault - N - Pepa [A-N-P] 4 49% 1,020 118,634
It's My First Day [DAY1] 3 50% 1,020 28,769
-JOKER- [JOKE_] 2 49% 1,020 178,824
Strike Force Leviathan [LEVI] 1 49% 1,020 46,529
7th Armored Division/40th Tank Battalion [7AD40] 1 46% 1,020 33,943
Tactical Allegiance [TAC-A] 1 50% 1,020 65,832
Fire For Effect [-FFE-] 1 51% 1,020 9,069
Boinas Verdes [BSV] 1 51% 1,020 6,470
100% US Active Duty and Veteran Clan - OPSEC [OPSEC] 29 49% 1,020 862,351
Mercernary Armored Tanker [MAT] 1 49% 1,020 10,472
The_Losers [LO_SR] 35 50% 1,019 1,144,639
BE-ER BERT and VISER mashup [BE-ER] 9 49% 1,019 206,632
Radioactive Renegades [R-A_D] 16 48% 1,019 622,132
L1A1 [SLR] 1 51% 1,019 17,167
FKN EXCELLENT TANKERS [FET] 10 49% 1,019 242,005
Stargate One Command [SG1C] 2 47% 1,019 20,640
Agoge Delta [AGOGD] 19 49% 1,019 497,678
Man Made Gods [MM-G] 19 49% 1,019 469,910
Tanks of Anarchy [--ARC] 11 49% 1,019 202,691
LA TUNA C.D.S [TU-NA] 1 48% 1,018 27,573
Iowa [IOWA] 1 49% 1,018 45,975
Breakthrough Armored Battalion [BAB1] 1 47% 1,018 4,305
[RED] [1812] 3 48% 1,018 52,252
The-Raging_Tankers [-TRT_] 1 50% 1,018 24,370
Magnificent Bastards [MAB] 6 49% 1,018 138,866
Furia De Tanquistas [FURI4] 16 47% 1,018 250,832
Do you know where YRMUM is right now? [YRMUM] 85 49% 1,018 2,047,747
3rd Canadian Armored Brigade [3CAB] 4 48% 1,018 159,774
legion extranjera hispanoamericana [LEEX] 20 48% 1,017 451,645
In and Around [BSFU] 1 50% 1,017 16,957
The Black Widow Company [TBWC] 4 49% 1,017 35,916
WILD HUNT "La Cacería Salvaje" [WILDH] 14 49% 1,017 286,065
Bud Squad [BSQ] 5 49% 1,017 118,402
CRNO [CRNO] 3 49% 1,017 18,904
Urban Decay [-UD-] 7 50% 1,016 126,870
KRAKEN'S [KRKEN] 11 48% 1,016 220,605
Canadian Tactical [CDN-T] 12 49% 1,016 384,924
Hermandad de Acero [H-D-A] 1 51% 1,016 7,398
Total: 14,458

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