World of Tanks Clans Statistics

Total: 14,458
Clan Name Players Win Rate WN8 Battles
More Psychotic tankers [PSYC0] 1 51% 1,049 6,885
Inglorious Tankers [I_T] 13 49% 1,049 318,152
EXULT [GOD] 1 53% 1,048 8,810
Elon Musk's Genetically Engineered Cat Girls [NYAA] 3 50% 1,048 52,069
HISPANIA [7SPA7] 5 49% 1,048 57,168
2º Batalhão Da Esquadra Dos Guardiões Patriotas [0RDEM] 2 27% 1,048 752
Viking [VIKNG] 2 50% 1,048 57,565
Tactical Deception [TAC-D] 73 49% 1,048 3,280,007
Heavy Metal Ballistics [_HMB_] 1 49% 1,048 21,575
Hijos del Desierto [H_D_D] 38 48% 1,047 855,963
Chernobyl [CHERN] 2 51% 1,047 68,280
Absolute Monkeys Man [MQNKY] 5 49% 1,047 67,600
76 Operators [76OPS] 1 50% 1,047 14,511
3rd Ranger Battalion [3RGR] 1 49% 1,047 22,795
DCLUB [DCLUB] 10 50% 1,047 197,948
Hermanos en Fe [H-E-F] 2 48% 1,046 18,967
Revoltop [VOLTA] 1 53% 1,046 41,486
Tankers On Pizza And Zeal [TOPAZ] 2 50% 1,046 28,673
The Kill Point [TKP] 1 49% 1,046 18,129
Pakistan [-PAK-] 10 48% 1,046 249,677
Equipo Tactico Mexicano [ETMX] 1 49% 1,046 11,502
Farming credits [TSNBR] 5 48% 1,046 108,463
Maquinas de Guerra PY [GOWPY] 7 48% 1,046 127,232
Force [FORCE] 3 52% 1,045 17,368
Clã Brasileiro de Amigos [LOKUS] 38 48% 1,045 1,143,683
The Black Watch [TBW] 5 49% 1,045 127,752
BrewMasters [BRU_M] 1 51% 1,045 42,247
Bytes Gaming [O__O] 1 50% 1,045 16,867
Spetsnaz [NI_AR] 18 48% 1,045 327,353
RUNA [RUNA] 1 48% 1,045 42,590
Ravus_Ursi [RAVUS] 2 50% 1,044 48,189
Romanian Tank Hunters [RO-TH] 2 49% 1,044 28,412
No More Bull [NMBS] 44 49% 1,044 1,667,655
Guardians of Valhalla [VAHLA] 30 50% 1,044 927,329
asociación de idiotas dispuestos a superarse [ADDS] 5 48% 1,044 87,903
Полк АЗОВ [A3OB] 1 50% 1,044 10,433
PYRAMID [PYRMD] 50 48% 1,043 1,798,629
United_Arabic_States 2 [ARB_2] 1 48% 1,043 13,185
Tennessee Thot Patrol [-THOT] 2 49% 1,043 14,923
Bulldog [JTFSO] 1 49% 1,043 58,640
RDC55429 [CLC] 1 51% 1,043 5,530
Imperial Tankers of Quebec [IMPQC] 6 50% 1,043 42,273
65535 [16BIT] 9 49% 1,043 77,673
CANADA Eh? [CDNEH] 1 50% 1,043 28,589
RaptureReady [RRDY] 1 48% 1,043 31,777
Legio Custode [L-CUD] 9 49% 1,043 180,912
YAROU [YAROU] 1 50% 1,042 10,468
Batallón 501 [B-501] 1 49% 1,042 14,763
Undead Dark Shade Assassins [UDSA] 3 50% 1,042 65,300
French fries in a tank [FFIAT] 3 50% 1,042 38,125
Total: 14,458

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