World of Tanks Clans Statistics

Total: 14,460
Clan Name Players Win Rate WN8 Battles
BHK [BHK] 9 50% 1,219 175,993
Front Line Assault [-FLA-] 1 54% 1,219 853
Blackcountry Boys [B-C-B] 2 50% 1,218 35,319
Gamers in Arms [G_I_A] 3 49% 1,218 33,122
Make OOSY Great Again [OOSY] 3 50% 1,218 32,206
But still, THE MAN [OLDMN] 47 50% 1,218 1,462,751
TheD3vilDogs 3rd Tank Batallion [DVDGS] 5 52% 1,218 86,643
RED FOX [RED-F] 70 49% 1,217 1,671,536
No Bloody Good [NBG] 1 49% 1,217 9,262
Brotherhood Of Solid Steel [BOSS-] 11 50% 1,217 255,258
7.ª División panzer [-HEER] 5 49% 1,217 68,917
Tiger's Intelligence and Gunnery Reserve [TIGR1] 2 51% 1,217 21,529
Average People Playing Tanks [APPT] 2 51% 1,217 45,365
Wolverines Leaving Villages Ravaged Noobishly [WLVRN] 5 51% 1,217 89,426
Iron Wolves [WOLF] 5 52% 1,217 69,398
Armored Mountaineer Battalion [AMB] 4 49% 1,216 48,929
PIKAPICA [P1KA] 4 50% 1,216 99,713
Ghostcompany [GSCOM] 2 51% 1,216 43,320
Loyalty [LYLT] 5 51% 1,216 53,448
Outpacing the Weak [-OTW-] 1 50% 1,216 16,917
Remember the Fallen [_RTF_] 25 50% 1,215 679,814
XBLAU_BR EVOLUTION [XBL4U] 5 50% 1,215 63,040
The Front of Armament [TFOA] 1 51% 1,215 21,500
Wild Fire NA [WF_NA] 1 50% 1,215 17,276
The Box Office [TBO] 1 51% 1,215 8,387
Agencia Secreta De Tanquistas STAS1 [STAS1] 9 49% 1,215 166,917
Outer Space Time Traveller's [OSTT] 3 47% 1,215 20,961
Renegades Of War [_ROW_] 3 51% 1,214 46,930
Wehrmacht_ [WRMCT] 2 63% 1,214 91
World of Balanced Tanks [WOBT] 1 49% 1,214 22,929
Fuzzy's Heroes [FUZZ] 1 50% 1,214 20,609
Forças Especiais Brasileiras [13BIB] 2 50% 1,214 72,782
Lead Zeppelin [LDZP] 8 51% 1,213 290,646
Tigres de Fierro de Argentina [TIFAR] 1 50% 1,213 36,546
Black Water Mercenaries [BWM] 3 51% 1,213 39,269
Légion Blindés du Québec [LB_QC] 22 50% 1,213 749,787
The Armoured Farmers [DROL] 7 50% 1,212 191,334
Dernt Shert Mer Ternk [DERNT] 1 50% 1,212 4,808
SO WILL I [SOWLI] 14 50% 1,212 365,040
Reee [LUL] 2 51% 1,212 41,744
Push The Red Button [PTRB] 3 50% 1,212 62,315
The Last Hit [-TLH-] 2 49% 1,212 59,342
XenobladeX [-XNX-] 1 60% 1,212 48
CanadianBacon [CABAC] 1 49% 1,211 8,962
7th Panzer Division: Gespensterdivision [7-TH] 1 51% 1,211 15,083
27th Penal Regiment [27PR] 4 51% 1,211 61,615
Peckerwoods [PWOOD] 3 51% 1,210 108,000
三Q [3Q] 2 50% 1,210 37,167
Penetration - Is My Purpose [P-IMP] 9 51% 1,210 175,869
Total: 14,460

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