World of Tanks Clans Statistics

Total: 14,460
Clan Name Players Win Rate WN8 Battles
Back In The Saddle Again [BITSA] 11 50% 1,406 164,602
Pravda Academy [PRAV] 8 52% 1,406 150,769
Psychotic Tendencies in Wot [SY_KO] 15 51% 1,406 461,496
MOULBYT [BYT] 3 53% 1,405 39,582
Tribal 3 [TRIB3] 3 50% 1,405 38,863
Fuerza Acorazada Latinoamericana [FAL-X] 11 51% 1,405 244,243
DR0ID CarteL 2nd Battalion [DR0ID] 9 53% 1,405 188,906
Strategic Tankers Around Beer [-STAB] 4 51% 1,405 76,241
Fresh Princes Of America [FRESH] 1 53% 1,405 13,131
The Fysters [FYSTN] 7 52% 1,405 117,507
Superb Owl Champions [S_O_C] 2 51% 1,404 38,555
AVALANCHE [SLIDE] 1 52% 1,404 36,153
The Original Gangsters [0G] 1 52% 1,404 27,619
OVER-LORDS [O-VER] 68 51% 1,403 3,100,154
The Family Business [TFB-] 2 52% 1,403 21,874
WHAMO [WHAMO] 3 51% 1,403 72,670
-RenegadeS [RNGS] 16 51% 1,403 531,363
Fossils of War [FOW] 1 52% 1,403 25,504
Acanthamoebas [EYE] 1 51% 1,402 19,011
WANTED ''BANDIDOS'' -DEAD OR ALIVE- REWARD $20,000 GOLD [BANDS] 34 50% 1,402 767,200
Disgruntled Tankers [DAT] 5 53% 1,402 88,505
Big Brain Damage [BBDM] 1 52% 1,402 28,889
ELITE [ELIT] 3 52% 1,402 52,934
Ultra Hot Multi MeMes [UHMM] 37 52% 1,401 764,347
5th Dimension's Top Clan Wars and Battle Division [5D4] 2 52% 1,401 32,503
Last Rites [RITES] 1 55% 1,401 14,995
cLANLeSS [-CL-] 3 56% 1,401 9,953
Another Foching Inconvenience [AFI] 1 53% 1,401 13,455
CanadianBlueNosers [CBN] 2 52% 1,401 102,894
Saints Tactical Armored Battalion [S-TAB] 5 53% 1,401 64,873
Made in Brazil [_MIB_] 29 51% 1,401 574,280
We Dont Always Y0L0 but when we do, We do it with STYLE [Y0L0] 50 52% 1,400 761,961
DONALD TRUMP 2024 [MAGA-] 2 51% 1,400 31,370
_Yell_ [YELL] 2 51% 1,400 31,167
ROXY [ROX] 9 52% 1,400 149,403
Red Cell [-RC-] 5 51% 1,400 164,716
Eventual Fail Forwards in Training [EFFIT] 3 54% 1,400 79,298
5th Canadian (Armoured) Division [5CAD] 2 51% 1,398 46,380
Revenge Before Redemption [REBER] 12 51% 1,398 245,299
Rice Fields [_RICE] 2 52% 1,398 40,780
Order of the Dragon [OOTD] 1 52% 1,398 10,926
Coldsteel [CSTL] 1 51% 1,397 18,204
BITCOIN [BITC] 79 52% 1,397 2,668,062
The Last Battalion [DLB] 11 50% 1,397 262,684
ASTRO [ASTR0] 3 50% 1,397 116,423
Brews [BREWS] 5 52% 1,396 39,673
RUSH````````` [-RUSH] 1 52% 1,396 12,117
Força Expedicionaria Brazileira Divisão de BLINDADOS [FEBB] 2 52% 1,396 2,948
Bacon and Eggs [B_N_E] 16 51% 1,395 535,546
True North Strong & Free [TNSF] 1 52% 1,395 64,366
Total: 14,460

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