World of Tanks Clans Statistics

Total: 14,192
Clan Name Players Win Rate WN8 Battles
Sturmgrenadier 2 [SG2] 1 47% 718 28,789
Major - War - Fighters [MAJOR] 2 45% 717 41,165
Arstotzkan Ministry of Defense [AMOD] 3 48% 717 39,961
[U-G-N] [UGN] 4 45% 717 80,393
1ST_ARM_DIV [1_A_D] 3 48% 717 59,908
Special Operations Group [V_SOG] 2 46% 717 85,572
FUNK'S FLYING CIRCUS [FUFC] 5 47% 716 204,152
Patria Grande-Lobos Libertarios [LOBOZ] 5 47% 716 87,016
CH@OS [XAOS] 2 48% 716 56,893
Gentlemans Scocial Club [G-S-C] 1 47% 716 61,505
E CLAMPUS VITUS [ECV] 8 48% 716 77,504
3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment (Mechanized) [3DACR] 3 46% 716 95,330
ShrekTech [S-T] 2 46% 715 29,611
Schwere Panzer-Abteilung 511 [511PA] 1 47% 715 40,612
Escuadrón Mecanizado de las Naciones Americanas y el Caribe [EMNAC] 13 47% 715 175,277
TheVoid [SHINE] 1 47% 715 8,134
Grave_Diggers [_G_D_] 2 48% 715 41,670
Division Ariete Québec [DAQ] 3 49% 715 20,109
Joker_WW [XTAGX] 1 46% 715 17,123
Legends Never Die [HULKS] 2 46% 714 40,306
Regimiento Argentino Mecanizado [RAM1] 6 48% 714 66,013
Dukes Of Tanks [DOK] 1 48% 714 2,770
B.S.G. Wolf Pack [B_S_G] 3 47% 714 12,575
Nuclear Explosive Radioactive Octopus [NERO] 1 48% 714 1,053
fuerza latina [ZANA] 2 44% 714 14,627
Havoc 1 [H1VOC] 1 46% 714 30,980
Mobsters [MBSTR] 1 46% 713 29,455
(Texas) Lone Star Armor Division [LSAD] 1 49% 713 14,981
Society of Friends and Tankers [SOFAT] 3 49% 713 34,107
Soldiers of Valhalla [S-V] 4 47% 713 32,997
The DeathBringers [TDBS] 1 49% 713 4,313
NelsonMonarchy [NMA] 1 46% 713 10,127
Caulk [CAULK] 1 46% 712 10,720
77 Armored Cavalry 2 [77A1B] 4 48% 712 149,931
buffalo [BUFF] 1 47% 711 9,779
xX-Iron Warriors-Xx [IWAR] 1 46% 711 34,463
Sabot [SLAP] 1 52% 711 1,581
Mouse [MOUSE] 4 46% 711 53,622
Eat My Shells [_EMS_] 1 48% 711 33,163
BuzzBomb [BUZZ] 2 47% 711 19,894
28THDIV [28DIV] 2 46% 710 45,060
Rank the Tank [R-T-T] 1 48% 710 5,158
Panzer_Lehr [MNIL] 1 49% 710 5,173
DFNT [DFNT] 1 47% 710 8,017
Los Comandantes Latinos [LOSCO] 2 46% 710 27,383
Independent Mercenaries For Hire [IMFH] 1 48% 710 25,513
Родина [DAFAQ] 1 47% 710 1,302
A SECOND VISION oF GOD OF WAR [WARS1] 2 45% 710 78,188
Immortality [-IMM] 2 48% 709 25,157
Hermanos de Armas Union LatinoAmericana [HAUL] 3 46% 709 46,424
Total: 14,192

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