World of Tanks Clans Statistics

Total: 14,274
Clan Name Players Win Rate WN8 Battles
Fairytail Guild [FTAIL] 1 48% 849 13,309
Tactical Bushwackers [TAC-B] 15 49% 849 660,220
Balls To The Wall [BTTW] 1 50% 849 2,123
Maximum Penetration [MXPN] 1 49% 848 46,305
Pretorianos [PTO] 2 47% 848 10,616
Injustice league [IJL] 1 49% 848 7,507
Te rangimarie, me te Pakanga [P-A-W] 1 51% 848 407
Giggity Giggity [-G_G-] 18 48% 848 340,702
the Harbringers of War and Death of the Apocolypse [HWDA] 4 49% 848 110,430 [JL] 1 49% 848 33,839
Exalted [EXALT] 3 49% 848 19,209
Club Secreto de Caninos Guerreros [CSCG] 1 44% 848 5,093
Quality Chaos [-100-] 3 48% 848 31,730
2ª Divisão de Blindados Brasileiro [2DBB] 1 47% 848 19,873
United States 1st Frontline Army [US1FA] 2 48% 847 27,123
Making Life Painful [_MLP] 8 48% 847 223,268
PANZERWAFFE AMERIKA [WAF-E] 33 48% 847 689,655
NavyGaming America [NGA] 2 47% 847 28,453
Steel Syndicate [STSY] 2 48% 847 43,192
+BLITZKRIEG+ [KRIEG] 1 50% 847 10,133
Clashing Ego Gamers [--EGO] 1 46% 846 11,861
Destructive Thunder Clan [D_T_C] 3 47% 846 76,304
Environmental Death Agency [EDA] 1 48% 846 4,898
Smoke Fire Death and Destruction [SFDD] 3 47% 846 61,511
Pure Pain Clan [-PPC-] 46 50% 846 448,723
War Pigz [WPZ] 3 48% 846 89,955
4th Marine Division [4MD] 1 51% 845 24,475
Rolling Thunder Special Forces 2 [RTSF2] 2 47% 845 46,221
Black Forest Peak Tank [BFPT] 2 48% 845 13,571
[-FRANCAIS-] [_FDF_] 1 47% 845 67,773
Guardiões das sombras_BR [GSBR] 1 44% 845 2,634
Old Fashion Pretzel Rods [OFPR] 1 50% 844 5,727
Iron Wolves Bravo Company [WOLFB] 3 49% 844 13,397
1st Iron Cavalry [1IRON] 3 48% 844 120,563
Rabble-Rousers [_R_R_] 1 52% 844 871
Batalhão de Zoeiras Especiais [BAZE] 2 49% 844 24,483
GRUPO TACTICO 7 [GT7] 9 48% 844 164,437
United Forces [1569] 1 46% 843 21,248
Collective Of Disrespected Experts & Specialists [CODEZ] 1 46% 843 73,811
The Ill Repute Accord [SLOOT] 2 48% 843 17,272
PICANTES [PKNTS] 1 47% 843 32,023
The Milk Cult [_MILK] 3 48% 843 28,538
Grave_Diggers [_G_D_] 4 47% 843 56,112
PDP [-PDP-] 1 47% 843 13,038
Unidad Táctica Acorazada de Combate [UTAC] 5 48% 843 132,624
División de Tanques Argentum [D_TA] 3 48% 843 42,284
sscippion [JGS] 2 46% 842 10,681
Arcanic Dragon Zealots [ADZ] 1 49% 842 7,499
Pinkerton [PTON] 1 49% 842 18,081
Total: 14,274

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