World of Tanks Clans Statistics

Total: 14,281
Clan Name Players Win Rate WN8 Battles
Nexus Clan [NXC] 4 48% 867 30,695
Mastery United Gamers - Frontline Division [MUG-F] 25 48% 867 764,159
Perola Negar [P-N] 8 47% 867 118,430
Red Shirt [RSAT] 1 49% 867 20,398
The Edge [_T-E_] 1 48% 867 23,319
Fortress Belarus - Бастион Беларусь [BLRUS] 3 48% 866 72,526
La Grande Armee [_GA_] 2 47% 866 57,150
Center Of Toxic Reformity [COTR] 3 47% 866 23,215
ABSOLUT [ABSLT] 3 48% 866 12,705
Javelin - Fire and Forget [JAV] 19 48% 866 518,337
Mateo's Armored Division [_MAD] 4 45% 865 85,191
Los Loco Del 44 [_44_] 4 49% 865 50,682
HARM Nation Social [HARMS] 10 48% 865 174,531
F^ck Your Sensitivity [-FYS-] 2 48% 865 52,455
Gang Stalkers [GS3] 1 48% 865 14,967
Hunger [HUNGY] 4 48% 865 69,997
USP-AR [USP-A] 2 47% 865 32,036
Resistencia.Armada.GE [RA_GE] 5 48% 864 70,498
aim low let go [ALLG] 3 49% 864 10,338
La Furia Latina [LFL] 8 47% 864 110,959
Banana Skool [SKOOL] 6 48% 864 88,834
CAVEIRA-GAMES [C-G] 1 47% 864 5,216
The Black Swans [SWANS] 2 48% 864 112,070
Master Sun's Rules [-MSR-] 1 48% 864 89,966
25th Canadian Armoured Regiment (Elgin Regiment) [25CDN] 21 48% 864 1,030,341
Focus Fire [F--F] 3 49% 864 41,110
Radioactive Renegades [R-A_D] 15 47% 863 540,685
Warhawks Against Raging Hypocritcal Kooks [WARHK] 7 48% 863 146,095
MBATA & Asociados. [MBATA] 1 49% 863 11,180
Torld Of Wanks [FB_GM] 1 48% 863 5,845
Reddit West [RDDTW] 4 48% 863 44,250
Confederate States of Britain [CSB] 1 47% 862 2,578
The Incredible Bulk [T_I_B] 1 49% 862 20,036
Naval Aircrewman [USN] 2 46% 862 14,738
The Ten Thousand [-TEN-] 1 49% 862 33,801
Japanese Players of NicoNico [JPN] 1 48% 862 1,708
The Cigrits [NSCIG] 1 49% 862 17,037
Fuerzas Argentinas Militares de Ataque [FAMA] 20 48% 862 355,583
The Regular Schmoes [T-R-S] 3 50% 862 50,271
High Voltage [-HV-] 1 49% 861 3,885
Multi_Games Tactical Group [MGTG] 3 46% 861 42,491
Eh Bud [EHBUD] 1 50% 861 5,930
KILL ON SIGHT [KOS] 8 47% 861 207,942
Patriotic American Warriors [PAW] 31 48% 861 640,510
Clan de Amigos [C-D-A] 5 48% 861 90,707
METAL MULISHA ALLIANCE [_MMA_] 5 49% 860 55,357
EPICOS_BR [EPCS] 1 47% 860 25,007
Tanks For Nothing [_TFN_] 1 50% 860 19,015
Recon By Fire [RBF] 1 48% 860 7,695
2nd Royal Nova Scotian Tank Regiment [2RNST] 2 49% 860 14,069
Total: 14,281

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