World of Tanks Clans Statistics

Total: 14,287
Clan Name Players Win Rate WN8 Battles
Not Really Good [N-R-G] 17 48% 876 538,833
KG Tau [KGTAU] 1 50% 876 10,410
Diggler's Dozen [BIG12] 1 46% 876 3,747
Deadly_Abram's Ranger Elite [DARE] 1 53% 876 3,088
Seal Clubberz [-SCZ-] 6 49% 876 179,574
Seven O Duece [TD702] 1 48% 875 7,511
RUST COVERED RANGERS [RCR] 1 49% 875 28,801
The Fighting Richards [_TFR] 2 49% 875 57,873
-RENEGADOS- [RND] 3 48% 875 49,583
Luna's Elite Night Guard [BATTY] 1 52% 875 149
Brigada Latina Mecanizada [BLM] 11 49% 875 164,727
Ground Force Zero [GFZ] 15 48% 875 449,214
The Flaming Sea Horses [SEA-H] 5 49% 875 66,800
War Pigz [WPZ] 4 48% 875 108,456
SKYN3T [SKNT-] 1 49% 875 5,882
LES BELLIGERANT [BLGT] 2 50% 874 3,151
Zombie Eradication Division Youth Chapter [ZED-Y] 1 48% 874 1,699
Mormon Battalion [MNBN] 12 48% 874 269,262
1ST_ARM_DIV [1_A_D] 5 48% 874 94,151
ECHO-7 [ECHO7] 4 49% 874 83,060
Steel Supremacy Just For Fun [SSJFF] 1 45% 874 6,318
República_Farroupilha_RS [RF_RS] 7 48% 874 304,095
Pepperidge Farms Remembers [PFR] 1 50% 874 16,779
MBARETE [PY] 1 48% 873 13,594
Dealers Of Death And Mass Destruction [DODMD] 15 48% 873 369,779
TOGs-R-Us [T-O-G] 12 48% 873 313,787
Strike Team-Qc [STRQC] 3 48% 873 36,315
Kool Kids Krew [GYATT] 2 49% 873 9,809
HEVEN OR HELL [_HOH_] 1 48% 872 27,178
Messi [MESSI] 1 48% 872 8,514
RGANG [BCOOL] 1 46% 872 31,244
NoTankU [NTU] 1 48% 872 14,018
Noobs 'R Us [NRUS] 2 47% 872 13,111
System Err0r [ERR0R] 2 49% 872 26,539
Anonymous Armored Tiger [TGBR] 1 51% 872 4,018
CANADA / UNITED STATES [CANAM] 1 49% 872 6,936
You've been caught in [8K] 1 50% 871 5,338
Panzerlied [PZLD] 7 48% 871 108,550
Joint Services Operations Command [-JSOC] 1 50% 871 10,992
SaltyDevils [SD] 3 47% 871 24,452
ONE DEAD ON ARRIVAL [1-DOA] 6 48% 871 143,904
Seven Slot Battalion [7-SB] 1 50% 871 7,337
4 Horsemen Of The Apocalypse [4HOTA] 16 48% 870 453,010
Roll The Bones [RTBNS] 1 49% 870 30,721
Zombie Eradication Division Elite [ZED-E] 1 48% 870 16,393
The House Clan [_LOUD] 11 48% 870 221,981
Tribal 6 [TRIB6] 7 46% 870 66,684
Heaven & Hell [HNH] 5 48% 870 171,406
Total: 14,287

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