World of Tanks Clans Statistics

Total: 14,456
Clan Name Players Win Rate WN8 Battles
Texas Tankers Association [---TX] 2 49% 922 37,958
All Forces War [AFW] 1 49% 921 66,445
XpectrE [XPCTR] 2 49% 921 53,901
Ookem in the Dooker [OOKER] 1 50% 921 4,913
Bataillon Blindé International [BBI] 29 48% 921 884,647
Clanifornia Elite Team [CET] 5 48% 921 54,571
Dance Party [D4NCE] 7 50% 921 87,207
Subway Sandwiches [6INCH] 3 48% 921 42,583
The Demolition Team [BREAK] 8 48% 921 87,292
Salty Team Players [S_T_P] 3 50% 921 47,142
Celtic [CELT] 2 49% 920 24,061
GuardiansGaming [GG-] 2 48% 920 30,206
3°Regimento de Cavalaria Mecanizada [3RCM] 4 47% 920 35,995
IRON BRIGADE "Strike Hard" [I-BDE] 3 47% 920 81,620
Force Recon [F__R] 41 48% 920 1,592,408
Dispossessed [DPS] 27 47% 920 897,696
Legit League [LEGEN] 1 49% 920 6,342
Royal Black Watch [RBW] 1 48% 919 28,185
Average Joes [AJ] 5 49% 919 59,718
Internal Revenge Society [I_R_S] 2 48% 919 25,124
THE PELVIS'S [BIGE] 1 50% 919 64,028
Salute [ZERO7] 7 47% 919 221,205
Special Response Team [-SRT-] 9 49% 918 213,062
Mac a' ghobhainn [MCG] 1 49% 918 40,987
Celebrombor's Avengers [CLA] 1 49% 918 37,081
Angels of Damnation [AOD1C] 6 47% 918 54,717
ГАЛ(fire) [-GAL-] 1 49% 918 9,812
Only Tomatoes [-OT-] 1 46% 918 64,898
ComediansInTanksDrinkingCoffee [CITDC] 2 49% 918 44,383
1st Reserves [-1R-] 3 49% 917 35,008
University of Sarcasm [USACK] 38 48% 917 894,903
Flawless Steel [-FS-] 3 48% 917 62,802
The Edge [_T-E_] 2 49% 917 56,782
I Love Cheap Kills [-LCK-] 1 48% 917 26,454
Swamp Scrappers [SWSCR] 1 46% 917 7,234
ROUGH as HELL [-RAH-] 9 48% 917 312,101
RADD [RADD] 1 48% 917 71,795
ARMORED POLICE FORCE [COPS] 14 48% 917 296,444
Israeli Defense Forces [IAC] 5 47% 916 99,638
Iron Phoenix Battalion [IPHXB] 4 49% 916 56,130
Guns of Destroy [_G-D_] 1 48% 916 56,976
Black Wargs [WARGS] 1 51% 916 11,456
CENTURION [CTN] 1 48% 916 22,371
Sûreté du québec 911 [_SQ_] 4 48% 915 78,974
Soviet [-SVT-] 2 48% 915 13,581
Tribal 5 [TRIB5] 8 48% 915 160,815
Pufferfish Legion [PFL] 1 48% 915 25,225
TRIBAL 2 [TRIB2] 9 47% 915 94,616
Legionarios Amigos Unidos [LAU] 4 49% 915 70,135
Total: 14,456

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