Special Response Team Statistics [-SRT-]

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Average WN8
Recent WN8
Average Win Rate
Average Battles
Total Battles


Total: 9
Nick Name Battles Win Rate WN8 Recent Win Rate Recent WN8 Last Battle
VisionaryJayy [-SRT-] 7,355 52% 1,416 52% 1,755 July 08, 2024 @ 2:07 am
FA8TAL [-SRT-] 44,071 52% 1,383 57% 1,082 September 13, 2024 @ 5:18 pm
klymar8 [-SRT-] 33,971 50% 1,008 51% 1,208 September 05, 2024 @ 1:13 am
8CH_GGFGs [-SRT-] 71,522 50% 998 52% 1,239 September 13, 2024 @ 3:35 pm
danieladamira [-SRT-] 16,308 50% 899 54% 38 August 24, 2024 @ 9:35 am
popwowza [-SRT-] 7,969 48% 853 50% 1,199 September 05, 2024 @ 9:03 pm
VorteXGaming__ [-SRT-] 660 47% 716 45% 412 August 18, 2024 @ 1:09 pm
MichaelHossner [-SRT-] 23,287 48% 626 47% 489 August 30, 2024 @ 5:08 pm
jazneo [-SRT-] 7,579 45% 381 45% 381 July 13, 2024 @ 7:35 pm
Total: 9

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