Keyboard Warriors Statistics [_KW_]

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Average WN8
Recent WN8
Average Win Rate
Average Battles
Total Battles


Total: 8
Nick Name Battles Win Rate WN8 Recent Win Rate Recent WN8 Last Battle
SuperSlayer [_KW_] 25,750 56% 2,125 59% 2,773 September 16, 2024 @ 9:37 pm
FindEclipse [_KW_] 23,566 54% 1,948 54% 1,948 February 07, 2024 @ 10:27 pm
CrispMasterFlash [_KW_] 22,993 55% 1,917 55% 1,917 July 05, 2024 @ 7:10 pm
YesThatWasHE [_KW_] 18,849 55% 1,641 62% 2,157 August 19, 2024 @ 9:09 pm
venom818 [_KW_] 26,702 53% 1,625 62% 2,092 September 08, 2024 @ 9:32 pm
Bhokie00 [_KW_] 4,332 52% 966 52% 966 August 17, 2024 @ 2:46 pm
Kingroon5 [_KW_] 6,693 51% 926 52% 850 September 15, 2024 @ 4:14 am
Tortellini_4 [_KW_] 5,225 52% 919 52% 919 February 03, 2024 @ 2:30 am
Total: 8

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