Tournament - 2v2 Tier VI 6PM CST - N°1

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: January 09, 2025; Accepted Teams: 18 (Total: 30)
Map: Prokhorovka
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: January 09, 2025
Average WN8: 1,231
Total: 36
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
032404X002ES1BF5 mungen
8,630 61% 3,424
______Asdaf [BOND] mungen
2,681 61% 3,268
RedBullba [OXYGN] Alpha Group
70,131 58% 3,113
Animegeek12 [RIPD] Just the Two of us
12,852 54% 2,270
DestroiGumms [COTER] Ghost
16,439 50% 1,922
Tiger_SOBR [KOZAK] Alpha Group
92,992 57% 1,920
Luis_Felipe_Sampaio_Yuri asdf
37 68% 1,919
Modr3d_warrior [EFE] Nanichus
18,679 50% 1,667
petmypanda [FRENS] asdf
44,381 53% 1,647
amerikos [MAZUT] nijimi
38,981 53% 1,600
General_MOHAA [_EB_] _EB_General
60,722 51% 1,527
YourFrenFen [FENS] Fickler
4,286 47% 1,450
New_Vicious yomero
33,084 52% 1,415
crf17Youtube yomero
24,806 52% 1,297
vanoss101 Your mom
33,725 50% 1,291
ffejeff224 [RIPD] Just the Two of us
14,472 52% 1,272
Nickstash [PBT] PBT-
9,904 46% 1,268
__bryguy__ Your mom
12,537 49% 1,168
kaszas009 [HUBA] ВПЕРЕД
36,314 49% 1,161
vitormestre15 [COTER] Ghost
38,919 48% 1,082
toxa777 [NAXUI] baka baka baka
3,213 48% 1,043
Canadian_Warlord [-BTU-] nijimi
129,678 49% 1,027
92,173 48% 967
bykesboy [JMSQC] byke
21,309 46% 883
Pasetto__ [_EB_] _EB_
1,045 49% 854
heshymcheshface [NAXUI] baka baka baka
1,152 48% 833
138,001 47% 749
Piqnes [_EB_] _EB_
18,565 44% 581
Mont_Smith4_0 [C0BR4] Extract_D
16,422 44% 581
Ralphbutcher01 [PBT] PBT-
54,816 43% 580
goose_2 [JMSQC] byke
18,125 45% 579
jacoblarez JACOB LAREZ
55,986 45% 572
theskylord [_EB_] _EB_General
17,348 45% 567
im_only_3 [GOGOA] Extract_D
5,797 43% 490
Nanichus_01 [EFE] Nanichus
10,924 47% 473
Iv0rytickler1978 [FENS] Fickler
2,460 45% 392
Total: 36

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