Tournament - 2v2 Tier X 6PM CDT - N°7

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: September 27, 2024; Accepted Teams: 15 (Total: 25)
Map: Himmelsdorf
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: September 27, 2024
Average WN8: 1,731
Total: 30
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
L0rdB0b [HARMZ] CuteDoggoEmoters
12,997 57% 3,529
12,048 54% 3,456
Baby_xTzuyuxAkame [GOONZ] CuteDoggoEmoters
22,705 63% 3,174
Admiralbone [RELIC] The Diddlers
30,746 56% 2,953
Andres2123dk [X-7] Las florecitas
15,593 57% 2,620
Kita07 [S-A-R] Las florecitas
85,159 57% 2,616
buster_I_AM_A_LIGHT_TANK [STAKD] Buster_I_Do_0_Damage
29,354 52% 2,338
Y2rty Alpha Group
10,948 53% 2,336
jackal126 [NUFFS] The cooch punchers
53,597 55% 2,295
alex_the_snowflake [-ZOO-] The cooch punchers
76,362 54% 1,950
Tiger_SOBR [KOZAK] Alpha Group
91,846 57% 1,909
Perry_12_2018 [MONOS] mantequilla
20,261 53% 1,909
rtipton [MVP] Buster_I_Do_0_Damage
39,005 53% 1,671
uri_100 [WISE] Los Wise Nubs
18,203 51% 1,639
ewashington799 [NATS_] REDFOX
6,177 48% 1,632
katsuriReyes_1 [ALFA1] Mankinhos
12,356 50% 1,437
JesusCommitsTaxFraud [MVP] entren
20,632 50% 1,365
Jrhitman Hitman x Buddy
17,033 51% 1,324
Ferkman [LOKUS] Lokus
32,467 50% 1,297
Ulisses1969 [LOKUS] Lokus
51,100 47% 1,218
YeahBuddy Hitman x Buddy
5,905 50% 1,183
jhampool A team
11,813 49% 1,038
Canadian_Warlord [-BTU-] EspioNaj n Friend
125,449 49% 1,007
DIMARIK123 [C-I-S] Los Wise Nubs
90,732 48% 955
AndrewGunner [GTO] A team
15,142 49% 944
amberpacif [-CLU-] entren
54,694 48% 903
EspioNaj [EMAIL] EspioNaj n Friend
53,786 47% 695
YEKARU [ALFA1] Mankinhos
4,728 46% 661
vampiroplay mantequilla
11,922 44% 579
aman908 [-DTC-] The Diddlers
5,160 46% 575
Total: 30

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