Tournament - 3v3 Tier X 8PM CDT - N°7

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: September 26, 2024; Accepted Teams: 11 (Total: 16)
Map: Himmelsdorf
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: September 26, 2024
Average WN8: 1,874
Total: 33
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
Spirtwalker [OTTER] Unequivocally Bussin
51,801 63% 3,577
L0rdB0b [HARMZ] Alpha Group
12,970 57% 3,517
Bigg_smoke [RELIC] The Diddlers
9,967 59% 3,362
mateuscuellus [KING_] 0007
26,936 54% 3,122
RedBullba [OXYGN] Alpha Group
68,868 58% 3,057
Admiralbone [RELIC] The Diddlers
30,705 56% 2,949
Jacob3006 [OTTER] Unequivocally Bussin
38,237 62% 2,869
LightningTheef [MVP] .......
23,126 58% 2,695
Rizzler_InParis [MVP] .......
58,615 56% 2,621
Andres2123dk [X-7] Grupo Escorpion
15,554 57% 2,614
TKingTiger [NUFFS] The cooch punchers
30,756 55% 2,415
SNK_Armin [X-7] Grupo Escorpion
12,803 57% 2,387
jackal126 [NUFFS] The cooch punchers
53,593 55% 2,295
andisojorge869 [_MAU_] 0007
42,053 55% 2,292
Rockstarx1 [M0] Unequivocally Bussin
39,055 57% 2,084
alex_the_snowflake [-ZOO-] The cooch punchers
76,355 54% 1,950
Tiger_SOBR [KOZAK] Alpha Group
91,846 57% 1,909
doubleenvy [X-7] Grupo Escorpion
55,868 54% 1,843
Colleac [GRAIL] Thy Challenger Here
22,619 54% 1,793
rtipton [MVP] .......
39,005 53% 1,671
yeisonstiven [_MAU_] 0007
41,399 50% 1,552
Danimals2 [-TT] Thy Challenger Here
5,766 51% 1,536
75,787 49% 1,424
Ulisses1969 [LOKUS] EspioNaj n Friends
51,089 47% 1,217
Monstermash [-TFO-] The OutLaws
52,098 51% 1,145
O_P_Challenger [SCAM] Thy Challenger Here
34,295 48% 1,125
Canadian_Warlord [-BTU-] EspioNaj n Friends
125,449 49% 1,007
AndrewGunner [GTO] A team
15,133 49% 944
Deception2004 [-TFO-] The OutLaws
4,963 46% 755
EspioNaj [EMAIL] EspioNaj n Friends
53,786 47% 695
Efbehar [CLASL] A team
77,133 47% 649
aman908 [-DTC-] The Diddlers
5,137 46% 562
chase0913 [-TFO-] The OutLaws
24,634 42% 273
Total: 33

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