Tournament - 2v2 Tier VI 6PM CDT - N°3

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: September 19, 2024; Accepted Teams: 15 (Total: 21)
Map: Prokhorovka
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: September 19, 2024
Average WN8: 1,577
Total: 31
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
Dotar_Soyat [X-7] volga boatmen
39,383 58% 4,397
Spirtwalker [OTTER] Unequivocally Bussin
51,713 63% 3,572
mateuscuellus volga boatmen
26,809 53% 3,118
RedBullba [OXYGN] Alpha Group
68,827 58% 3,055
Admiralbone [RELIC] team name
30,522 56% 2,954
Jacob3006 [OTTER] Unequivocally Bussin
38,083 62% 2,870
TKingTiger [NUFFS] The cooch punchers
30,710 55% 2,416
jackal126 [NUFFS] The cooch punchers
53,531 55% 2,291
Extreme [GKC] myself
9,226 51% 2,158
Tiger_SOBR [KOZAK] Alpha Group
91,823 57% 1,909
DestroiGumms [SZF] Ghost
14,705 50% 1,899
migueloangel1325 [BANDS] :..7
14,662 54% 1,863
62,045 52% 1,798
Sacredstrike [VILIN] qqqq
12,119 53% 1,768
amerikos [MAZUT] :..7
38,108 53% 1,605
Prideofwar [BLIST] qqqq
32,437 52% 1,538
8,774 54% 1,500
Artificial_intelligence1 Gold_s
22,835 52% 1,318
Vegeta_994 [-FAB-] PAPOCO
934 47% 1,189
heshymcheshface [DD-S] sdffgfdg
461 50% 1,075
vitormestre15 [SZF] Ghost
38,239 48% 1,062
humeldorf [-FAB-] PAPOCO
28,714 48% 1,036
MIllerboy6969 [-IP-] Bluebawz
13,817 49% 1,008
AndrewGunner [GTO] myself
15,105 49% 943
stormshedow41 Gold_s
333 46% 905
toxa777 [SUGAR] sdffgfdg
2,467 48% 893
The_Ghost_95 Bluebawz
13,613 50% 892
Tigr_14 [D-H-E] Comando
9,853 47% 734
Efbehar Comando
77,026 47% 650
junior975 Gold_s
3,303 45% 584
aman908 [-DTC-] team name
5,027 45% 512
Total: 31

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