Tournament - 2v2 Tier VIII 8PM CDT - N°2

WG Tournament Page
Tournament Standings
Tournament Players
Start: May 08, 2024; Accepted Teams: 15 (Total: 33)
Map: Prokhorovka
Battle Mode: Encounter battle
Start: May 08, 2024
Average WN8: 1,527
Total: 30
Nick Name Team Battles Win Rate WN8
GordoRigero [L4ST] wena po
2,123 60% 5,146
Destroyer133_ [X-7] Triple R
35,803 62% 3,699
invisible_captain_607 [LB_QC] LB_QC
2,307 53% 3,249
12criminal21__0_0ll [L4ST] wena po
2,619 61% 3,073
Jim_Halpert_ [-BAN-] La Cura
16,940 65% 2,997
Fox_Trooty1 [TRIB7] strong
1,581 61% 2,713
MitsubishiL2004x4 [X-7] Triple R
1,864 59% 2,603
jackal126 [NUFFS] The cooch punchers
51,600 55% 2,223
milqui [-BAN-] La Cura
51,070 56% 2,102
46Days [_SL_] 0007
20,752 52% 1,988
alex_the_snowflake [-ZOO-] The cooch punchers
75,041 53% 1,918
doubleenvy [X-7] Los negros
54,340 54% 1,828
Solo_Andy [X-7] Los negros
36,214 52% 1,630
DevistationEX [E-WAR] Elder Warriors
70,870 53% 1,581
yeisonstiven [DOREK] 0007
40,923 50% 1,564
Why_not_coconut [LB_QC] LB_QC
35,204 50% 1,268
Ferkman [LOKUS] Os pneus carecas
30,637 50% 1,259
Ulisses1969 [LOKUS] Os pneus carecas
49,118 47% 1,192
SuperTankNinja [-GAS] Cblue's Squad Club
10,778 49% 1,104
PatriarchyBear [ZSF] ZSF1
29,936 46% 1,018
Canadian_Warlord [-BTU-] ВПЕРЕД !!!
120,818 49% 995
89,233 48% 947
TG_Soulz_ [BIMBO] chick3ns
7,632 48% 812
cblue22 [-GAS] Cblue's Squad Club
9,377 46% 632
Griffins_Panzers [ZSF] ZSF1
74,288 43% 584
Killer_Biker_71 [E-WAR] Elder Warriors
32,177 47% 570
michael008 [_BOIS] Deep Vein Thrombosis
5,693 47% 493
rooster123chicken [WLBRS] chick3ns
5,234 45% 464
Mateo_arboleda_raigosa [LENAJ] strong
1,424 44% 399
Ragmarock_no117 [_BOIS] Deep Vein Thrombosis
746 40% 346
Total: 30

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